Thursday, September 18, 2014


     People have expressed their agreement with many of the pieces on this blog. They speak of their despair at ever getting things righted. They ask if I ever get frustrated. Yes, it is frustrating much of the time when the facts are there but people refuse to see, when people keep on voting the same harmful way. It is frustrating when one knows how many good people there are in the Village and how a small group has taken over. Sometimes I feel as if we are living in an old time Western when a small group of nefarious evil doers have taken over a town and nearby areas, stealing the rights to water, bullying and dictating, using fear and intimidation. Then the good guys come along and after a hard battle, the situation is corrected.
     Yes, we have a small group of dictator and followers, non thinkers, here in the Village but we have so much more. This is why I do this.
     First, I love this place. I love living here. I love being able to take a walk whenever I want, meeting people, walking holding hands with Gerry and at my pace! I love the pools and just sitting there yakking away with friends. I love the availability of the gym though for sure I am not a steady user. I love watching people play the games they do on our courts.
     I love the shows in the Clubhouse and the fact that I can walk there. I love getting to know the WPRF staff in the office and saying hi, just to say hello. I love the availability of more theater and entertainment all around. From the Kravis Center to Maltz to Lake Worth Theater to Broward Center and Coral Arts to storefront theater and beyond. The opportunities are all there and for the most part the pricing is great, ever so much less than in NY or major cities of the North. I love that the Kravis box office will call me up to discuss my seats!
     I love that getting dressed every day mostly means putting on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I love that I can even treasure the cooler days when I can pull on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and be comfortable. I love opening the windows for cross ventilation in the days of the autumn and winter. I love not having snow and digging and shoveling and shivering.
     I love when my youngest grandchildren still think they are coming to our hotel. I love when they think we can just hop right over to Disney and how lucky we are for that! I love when the older kids come just to see us and enjoy the warmth and the fun, the special days and then I love the quiet time again.
     I love the fact that people in stores say hi, recognize me and take the time to chat. I LOVE the libraries around here and how helpful they are. I love that they tell me the books in advance and I love that a nice walk is over to our local branch.
     I love the sounds of the birds, the sight of the mama ducks and her babies, the turtles in the lake. I love the softness of a breeze on my face and the fact that it is mostly all year that I can get that. I love the season when people return but I love the quiet times of the summer when traffic here is cut to a minimum and lines diminish.
     I love the volunteers who put in time to run the Village and the people who try to do that but are blocked! And yet, they keep on trying. I love the goodness and the friendliness of most of the people here and try not to let the nastiness of a small group outweigh that. I love the fact that there are so many bright and intelligent women here (and okay, there are some guys too) and the conversation can run from the funny to the deadly serious. I love the fact that there are people here who, despite opposition, keep bringing in helpful people to the Village on topics of interest and try to help those in need. I love my new friends and the rekindling of older friendships.
     In short, I love living here and think this could be an even greater place if only...If only people would stand up for their rights. If only people would put back term limits. If only people would remember that evil in NOT banal. If only people would realize that they, too, must step up to the plate, even if just for a while. If only we can rid ourselves of the incompetency and arrogance of the few and put things back the way they should be - and move ever onward to a better and more secure future. If only....
     And in the interest of full disclosure, I also write this blog because I can, because I love writing (and no, there is no ghostwriter - sorry, Joy and David and groupies), because I can write about whatever I want - BECAUSE I CAN and that is the essence of this country of which we are a part. Remember that, you know who out there!
     So come join us. Speak up for yourselves, for your rights, for a great place to visit but an even greater place to live.

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