Friday, October 31, 2014


     It is with a sad hand and heart that I write this posting. I am used to the filth and curses that come my way from David Israel's acolytes and perhaps even himself, and mostly they cause me to laugh. The stupidity of Gracie's postings are annoying, but not much can be done with a limited intellectual ability. For example, the "warning" she made such a fuss about is a standard thing that pops up on many sites, including, for example, my brokerage account's site and I know that it is safe. It is just one of the kinks of the Internet and technology and shame on David Israel, the supposed techie guru of the Village for either not knowing this or worse, knowing it and then exacerbating the situation, but then again, that is what he does, isn't it?
     I have written often about the prejudice that arises here in the Village, the open hatred and play on nasty feelings. As far as I am personally concerned, they started with the nastiness to George Lowenstein during his campaign, continued into mine when David Israel disgustingly tried to raise the fears of a "takeover" by Jews in the Village - real nasty, that was - and then into the present. Over and over we have heard and seen comments from the David Israel camp condemning people who live differently, who believe differently or observe differently. If it does not meet his standard of what is the "right" way, then it is wrong and therefore eligible to be hated. Time and time again he has been asked to condemn statements made by his supporters but it is like speaking to a wall. His hatred, perhaps self hatred of his own lineage, is too strong.
     I have written much lately of the growing anti Semitism in the world and the fear that it is showing up here, in our country. Read my article Ketchupgate from a couple of days ago. But even more sad, is what came my way yesterday from one of the most prolific writers of David Israel's camp. Over the life of the blog I have been threatened with being blown up by fireworks, accused of crimes, but yesterday was beyond the Pale and perhaps shows the true inner black heart of that camp of people - and I question that term, people. Here is a piece of the comment directed my way - and another name was included, but why include it and hurt that person, especially when that person has been informed.

Here it is: "Hey Aunt Esther. People don't like CV because of low class Jews like you and -------who scream and yell, steal salt and sugar shakers from restaurants, and always complain about money....."

This is hate speech; make no bones about it and perhaps it is time to call in ADL and/or Captain Bruckner or even the Sheriff. Shall we count the ways this a-hole has invoked hatred of Jews, raised old and vicious canards, stereotypes about Jewish people. I think not, as it is quite clear. And by the way, want me to publicize your IP address again, you moron?

What I would like to see, what would be right, what would be courageous, would be for David Israel to publically condemn this language and these sentiments that come from his camp of suckups. But he will never do it for I believe he foments this type of language and behavior by his own behavior and statements on and off his blog over the years.
THIS is what we want as the leader of UCO? THIS is what we want for our future? THIS is what we wish to grow in the dank and dirty corners of the Village and the minds of dank and dirty people? The choice is yours, folks. You need to speak up and out. Remember the statement made by a Pastor in Nazi Germany basically outlining how he stayed quiet because it was not his group that was being taken, but his time came and then there was no one left to speak for him. NOONE is immune to hate. No one is immune to nastiness. ALL need to speak up for it will grow and touch you as well.


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