Monday, October 27, 2014


     Just finished skimming over the new Reporter and will read more in depth, but two items caught my eye and they are not good things either. Here is a quote from the Treasurer's report.

    " The Budget was prepared with an expectation of transferring approximately $377,000 of collected WI Fi funds to the Infrastructure Reserve. This will not be accomplished. The shortfall of the reserve will only increase by this amount. The current measured shortfall in the reserve is $612,000. The reserve will be reassessed during 2015 and it will likely increase.The Budget was prepared without consideration of collecting any Wi Fi ($2 per unit per month) during the 2015-2016 Budget Year beginning in  April 2015."

     This is only a small excerpt from this article, but quite unnerving. Here we are told that the transfer of the money from the Wi Fi account will NOT take place. David Israel has reneged once again on his own public statement that the money should be transferred. It was stated by him at a large and combined meeting of the Finance and Officers meeting. At that time the deficit was expressed as $1.3 million plus and not quite sure how it was lowered to the figure given in this quote, unless the Wi Fi money was included. In any case, we have the shortfall, it is over one million dollars and will get worse as the days and months progress, we still have a liar for UCO president and we still have no cure for the projects, the harmful and dangerous projects that this man wants to foist upon us.
     We still have no answer to his lunatic statements, his paranoid fantasies of men with guns, of his paranoia and hatred of trailer park residents, and the list goes on and on. Over the past few days he has openly lied and defamed many people, including myself, stating, basically, that my blog has been censored and noted as dangerous by official sources. It kind of makes me laugh, as if my tiny little blog had drawn the notice of a governmental office. Perhaps that would be a good thing anyway, as then we could use a governmental office to aid us in fighting to regain our denied amendment and constitutional rights, denied to us right here in the middle of the good old USA. But alas, it was only one of David Israel's paranoid fantasies.
    It also shows the depths of his fear, of the urgency he feels to counteract all the truth that is coming out, all the attention that is being paid to his past and present lies, and all the opposition, in word and deed, to his proposed projects such as the Wi Fi and to the inaction of his administration and inattention to other pressing needs of our Village.
     The other item that caught my eye is also a telling indicator of the state of mind and actuality of our present administration. Here it is. This is from a short piece about volunteers. It specifically names one person, Ed Black, as one who offers "valuable guidance and advice on homeowner and Association concerns." This man, Ed Black, is not even an elected official to UCO and in the meanwhile is the shadow King of UCO. He runs it all the while "guiding" his puppet, David Israel, on HIS pathways.
      Ed Black has been at the heart of every nefarious financial shenanigan in the Village, particularly what went on with the road contract financing, and that is why he is so upset and such an enemy of our past Treasurer who discovered and made known the facts, the true facts, as part of her fiduciary responsibility. Ed Black, non elected, has access to all sorts of private information of our residents and who the hell knows what he does with it. He is the one who answers questions that should go to the area VPs, who runs the IT, the security, etc. How can this be? How can a non elected person gain such power and then use it, shall we say, in a not particularly spotless manner.
     But then again, this is how things are run in this UCO and now they are bold enough, obvious enough, brash enough to point it out in public, thus illuminating their contempt for us, the residents of the Village, for our needs, for our finances, for our intelligence. To them we are sheep and we are being led right down the paths they have chosen and they ain't good, folks, they ain't good.
     Once again, the facts are there, the choices are there and the choices are clear. Right or wrong? Light or dark? Honesty and transparency versus backroom politics? Make your choice folks, and make it soon. Times a'fleetin'.



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