Tuesday, October 14, 2014


    This is a topic long ago brought up by all thinking people and now, finally, David Israel, and thus his crew, have decided to sign on to it as well. That is all fine and good as reform is desperately needed and we must join the modern world in our process and procedure of balloting, counting, etc.
      There are two types of voting going on here and both need reform - ASAP!!! Of course, the big one appears to be the process every year when new officers and executive board members are voted into office. It is actually critical that reform take place here BUT the key component here is to set up impartiality, not to reinforce partisanship.
     The first step is to change the committee in charge. Actually, what committee. There is one person - Gorodetzer, who rules the roost here and for far too long. She is extremely partisan and abrasive to anyone who does not agree with her. So, either she step down or at least a counteracting co chairman be appointed so that the process becomes that much more neutral. This is not rocket science, folks. Every transaction and step in WPB elections MUST be accompanied by members of two different parties. It is elementary, although it apparently eludes the understanding of certain people here in the Village.
     The next step is to make sure that the two sides are represented in EVERY aspect of the elections, from being on the committee, to setting up, to balloting, to transport, to tallying, etc. At present this does not take place. I repeat, this does not take place. There were no representatives of other opinions, other than David Israel's, that is, on the previous election committee, until a whole lot of yelling went on and then a token one or two were included. In the meanwhile, there were no witnesses in the balloting room so who the hell knows what went on there; there were no witnesses when Ed Black, yes, Ed Black, that oh so neutral person, carried the ballots to the counting room - ALONE!!! Fair play at that point makes one shudder as it never came into play!
     Even the original voting was screwed up. People were allowed to vote pre 8 AM and why - because they were alternates who voted for David Israel, contrary to the way the delegates would have voted as instructed by their Board and residents. There were many incidents caught and uncaught that took place, thus tainting the election.
     When the votes were tallied, ED Black, yes, there he is again, this unelected official who shows up everywhere, told the counters not to bother tallying as "THEY" would do it. Really! Who is "they"?Something smells to the high heavens here.
     Yes, reform is desperately needed, as is transparency with the results, so that ANYONE can see the original papers. When denied, one has to wonder what the hell they are hiding. So NO, Gorodetzer, I will not "shut my face" as you so kindly and sweetly told me at election time when I confronted you - with witnesses - to what was going on. Your sweet dulcet tones still ring in my head.
     The best way to reform is to get outside supervision, at best, the SOE with Susan Bucher. That would require a different month for the voting but can be done. If not the SOE, someone else neutral and not SEACREST, which has too many close ties here. It can be done, it must be done and NOW.
    Stay tuned for the second phase of reform in our voting process here, but right now must get ready for full day class at the SOE for my work as Clerk in the elections. See, I know what a proper election process is supposed to look like. David Israel's crew - few and far between on election day here in the Village. Small wonder.
     Of course the main issue in the reform process is to change the entire voting system, eliminating the delegate system and instituting a one unit one vote system, but that is for another posting and will take a bit longer to explain and install. In the meanwhile there are many things and steps we can do and take to improve the situation.

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