Sunday, November 23, 2014


     There are people in this village who have a hard time understanding things. For example, because one might not wish to have Wi Fi in one's home, or wishes to have private Wi Fi the way it is right now, then these idiots spout how antiquated the thinking, how we are so not a Village for the poor and should we ban cars - Now that is not a bad idea sometimes! What in the world does one thing have to do with the other? The answer is - NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and that is the way it goes with them.
     What is coming along next is the topic of our Constitution - our Articles and then the Amendments - our bylaws. From what we can tell - and it is difficult as our NSA man and his Broomhilda, Marilyn Gorodetzer, are holding this tight to themselves - is that all will be done that can be done to strengthen UCO versus the Associations and in detail, more to strengthen the President of UCO. Why is this? UCO was founded to help the Associations and right now it has turned into a power source for certain people who need it for their self esteem, for their own aggrandizement, and they truly wish to turn this place into a dictatorship with the residents having no say at all in the Village. They have already co-opted WPRF and Eva Rachesky so why not the rest of us?
     What is more, they wish to have this voted on as an all or nothing. Take it or leave it. No line item veto of clauses and proposed changes. Really - remember, America, freedom of choice, of speech, of assembly? Just heard Trini Lopez singing If I Had a Hammer - you know, the hammer of justice? Would that the damn hammer that is always banging in the DA were connected to that instead of the opposite as it shuts down all opposition speakers.
     Look around and realize that the window of opportunity of speaking freely in this Village is quickly disappearing, and all the while the little brainless biddies are there booing away, booing away their own freedoms, booing so as to please their lord and master, David Israel and for what? I shudder at the pictures that come to mind!
     What else is here? Oh, yes. Let us go back to the Security contract. Remember that it was specifically asked several times if the pay of the guards would remain the same and the rumors of pay cuts were false. Over and over again they refused to answer with a yes or no and simply obfuscated and now we find out that pay is going from $13+ an hour to $9. People, we are the same people that stood at the barricades, that fought the government, that fought the Dem Convention in 1968, the same people that took over Dean's offices all over the country, that went Freedom Riding and here we are now afraid to stand up to these liars? We are the same people who worked for wages, who belonged to unions and here we are allowing someone to run right over us and lower salaries! How we have fallen. How we have forgotten our ideals.
     Horizon watching can be beautiful or frightening. It can bring thoughts to one's mind, creative and constructive thoughts or it can bring the filth to one's mind and the gall to spit it out in foul and libelous language, attacking on a personal basis rather than on a positional basis. People, choose carefully. Choose to run in the upcoming election. Choose to support those who want positive change, who want our situation to improve, who will watch over our money and our physical plant. People, watch that horizon.

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