Saturday, November 15, 2014


     Now that I have taken care of the garbage, it is time to address the real stuff that we need to discuss. When I wrote about the physical appearance of the Village, I was not accusing anyone, merely stating a fact or two about our appearance and why it cannot be remedied? Why can it not be moved forward in priority over less necessary projects or be of equal status with other projects?
     But this seems to be the problem here in the Village. As soon as one voices discontent or concern about something that is or is not happening here in CV it is taken as a personal attack on the current administration. This is truly pathetic, for there is something called constructive criticism that is obviously foreign to these people and this is a shame and one great reason why nothing ever gets done here in CV. It is the reason why questions never get answered, why contracts and bids are never fully explained or presented properly with adequate time to review not with full detail.
     For example, did anyone hear or know what the final cost of this security contract is? Did anyone get an explanation as to why easements from associations would be needed if the cameras will be posted as posited in the wording of the contract? Will these same cameras be part of Operation Big Brother? Will these cameras, that we are paying for to the tune of $38,800 then be kept by the next security company in the next contract or will we have to pay again for something "better"? and by the way, who is responsible for the maintenance of these cameras during the length of the contract?
     This is an example of what goes on here in the Village. We get bits and pieces, too little too late, are miscounted in voting by partisan counters in a very vague and imprecise manner, our "chair" at the DA speaks in a partisan manner from the dais when he should be coming down to speak as a resident of the Village, Robert's Rules are ignored except when it benefits the "chair" and the list can go on and on.
     We will never get answers unless we are allowed to openly ask questions and demand answers, without being shut down, dismissed, yelled at, insulted, etc. One man cannot be allowed to run rampant over all of us here in the Village.  All one has to do is read the papers, listen to the news and the realization that all dictators, all liars are found out, be it the NSA, CIA, Big Banks, GM, or whatever and whomever has been outed in lies over recent days and months. The truth will out - and it will do the same here.
The truth always comes to the fore. Keep that in mind and remember - choose your options and sides carefully.

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