Sunday, November 9, 2014


         It is an impossible task, to delineate just what is going on in CV. It is almost unbelievable as a matter of fact. But first let me state something important that must be understood. When I write or speak, I do so for myself and my thoughts about what would be best for the Village. I do not speak for anyone nor does anyone speak for me. We might agree or disagree at times and that is okay and as it should be.
     It is when an opposition force to the ideas and thoughts that are being verbalized tries to shut all those independent thinkers down that the trouble is clear and make no bones about it, my friends, that is exactly what is going on here and is now the most important issue at hand.
     David Israel is incompetent at administration. He has no clue as to what to do or how to go about it. That is clear in the errors he has made and the structure he has set up, a crony oligarchy, a government of loyal suckups. It is obvious when one watches him at a delegate assembly where he frantically tries to control speakers.
     He calls the delegates a Board of Directors. Fine. There is no point in arguing terminology but if that is the case, then ALL of us, all the owner residents, ARE THE STOCKHOLDERS AND IN THAT CASE ARE ENTITLED TO ATTEND, TO SPEAK, TO VOICE ANY OPINIONS WE WISH, TO BRING UP WHATEVER ISSUES WE WISH THAT ARE RELEVANT TO THE VILLAGE AND FREE TO DO SO WITHOUT BEING SHUT DOWN.
     In their very own words and deeds, the David Israel party has made it clear that they wish to follow the trend in the world outside and set up a crony oligarchy, where the only ones allowed into the administration are those who swear allegiance to the lord and master, in this case, David Israel. It is quite telling that the two speakers for his oligarchy at the assembly were TWO NON ELECTED PEOPLE WHO NOW SEEM TO BE HIS TWO MAIN DEPUTIES IF NOT ACTUALLY THE PUPPET MASTERS PULLING HIS INCOMPETENT STRINGS.
     Gorodetzer stood up numerous times to speak, sometimes from the mic and sometimes simply standing up at her seat, sticking her finger in the air, as if that gave her permission to speak, and then would shout in her dulcet tones whatever she wanted, mainly words to the effect of shutting debate down. The questions were getting too close, too difficult to answer, too pressing. While she was allowed to speak freely at whatever length she wished, voice whatever she wanted to, as many times as she wished to  - all others were ILLEGALLY shut down, contrary to Roberts's Rules and any sense of decency and decorum. I do not care what the reasons were - whether they were afraid or David Israel had to pee! They were wrong, monstrously so!
     While I do not condone violence nearing fisticuffs, it was not Ed who started it. He is a passionate man who wishes well for the Village, is a great president of his association and wishes to share his knowledge and opinions as he is entitled to. He was shouted at quite rudely from a man who sat across the aisle from me and then Ed lost his temper, which has been known to happen. When that brouhaha was settled, David Israel then disallowed any other speakers, shutting down Jerry Karpf, denying Jean Dowling in as rude a manner as I have ever seen and did not listen to a word that others got up to say to protest against this treatment. When Jerry raised his hand in a particularly hateful salute, I understand the anger and feeling behind it, what with David Israel and his group actually behaving like stormtroopers, but the gesture is and always will be repugnant and has no place in our Village.
      Yet the main issue is the denial of the rights of the stockholders, us, a growing movement here. David says shut up, Gorodetzer says she has no time to read the 7000 emails from residents here when she is rewriting our Constitution, the Articles of Incorporation, designating David Israel's personal residence as the official address of the Village, creating by laws that will totally shut down all but David Israel and crooked company for who knows how long, David Israel, violating Robert's Rules by engaging in shouted conversation and speeches from his position as chair, shuts it down, Gorodetzer shouts her nasty business and two people are expelled and the situation remains unchanged - we are being denied our rights.
     Now, in what David Israel states is a great idea, he posts that idiot commentary by Elaine Brown who has a "great" idea or so he states. Basically, it states that no one should talk unless what you are gong to say has been vetted by UCO. Really? Is that where we are? We now have to clear our very thoughts and words with UCO?!!! Big Brother indeed. What will be next? Mics and cameras in our homes? Thought reform? Reeducation training at some forsaken and abandoned association? That idiot states that we should use the huge database on line at UCO. Really? It is all in the cloud, with all hard copies gone, all our history and GUESS WHO CONTROLS THE CLOUD, EVEN GOING SO FAR AS TO DENY ACCESS TO OTHER OFFICERS WHO HAVE DISPLEASED HIM. What and who does he think he is - another Stalin in disguise? Don't bring your ideas to the assembly. In other words, just shut up and take it. Well, while I was not feeling well and quite frankly was in despair on Friday at what happened and where we appear to be headed, if not already there, I am not throwing in the towel. There is hope for our future if we all work together and vote this man and his crew out of office, if we stand up to him and quite frankly, we all should have walked out on the assembly and denied him a quorum. Perhaps we need to do that next time he pulls another tantrum and violation of our rights.
    I believe that this closing piece will say it all. It was sent to me by a friend in the Village. Read it and think about it. And do not forget the Messenger Club meeting where information pertinent to us here at the Village will be addressed. Clubhouse, today, party room, 3 PM
 Listen up! Speak up! Stand up!

Read, enjoy, laugh, and think.

A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy."

"Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull. They're packed with nutrients."

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.

Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Moral of the story:
Bull shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

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