Thursday, December 25, 2014


     Today I read an interesting article in the NY Times regarding security and a frightening possibility. It begins on the first page of the business section and continues inside.  It states that when an email is sent to you, particularly one with an image or attachment or even a notice that to "unsubscribe click here" that if and when you open and click - BOOM! you now have given away all your private info. It seems that clicking on this tells the person who sent the email not only that you have opened it, but when, where, for how long and then that person has an inroad into your computer. I do not bother to unsubscribe or open  - I just click off to delete and then trash it.
     Now think of how many times you have clicked unsubscribe or whatever image you have clicked on or downloaded. Pretty scary, isn't it. Now I wonder. There is someone in this Village who claims he sees all, knows all, and can ruin you if you disobey - can it be that this person has been using this technique? Can IFI be contaminated in this manner? Just asking? I am making no accusations, just raising possibilities. Can it be there are others doing this and for sure there are others in the big scary world out there who are doing this. The article stated that even those Nigerian emails have this connection.
     The article does state that opening mail on OUTLOOK is safer or one can shut off the wireless, though read the article for that advice. I do suggest that all who own a computer check their level of security and get the best anti intrusion programs you can find, even if they cost. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. All is not glitter and gold out there on the Internet and one must be careful. Do not even open an email if you do not know the person or place. Do not overclick. Do be choosy as to which emails you open and which attachments and images you allow.
    Do read this article. Do act on it. You see, Internet is a blessing and a curse. Rather than jumping into every new proposed project and program, perhaps it would behoove the so called computer mavens, techies, to put themselves forward, out there, to help the newbies on the Internet. Teach them the ways of safety. Teach them the do's and don't. Teach them to be defensive even as they enjoy the wider world it allows. Think about that, all of you on the Wi Fi committee or whatever the new name is going to be. Whatever it is, remember the Emperor's new clothes and the truth in all this. Saying it ain't so, does not make it so!

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