Monday, December 29, 2014


     I have said it before, often, and will repeat it again. I love living here. It is my home, and as such, it is my responsibility to see that it is the best that can be, just as it is the responsibility of ALL who live here.
     What we have instead is a group of people who engage in secret planning in violation of the Sunshine laws, who limit the "volunteers" on the committees to the chosen and select few, those who kowtow to Poohbah and those who are bought off with little sinecures of their own. All else are verboten! All positions new or old are filled by the same old, same old and one does not even have to be elected - just kiss the Poohbah's rear and there ya' go.
     Free speech is attacked at every delegate assembly by a man who knows nothing about how to conduct a proper meeting and could care less about it and what is more, he sends his minions out to speak in his name, using foul language and awful accusations, including words of threat and bias. They advocate armed guards and FORCE to get their way, to silence opposition.
     We are besieged by projects that have no sense behind them, that are conjured out of the air with terrible consequences and worse, more are coming along right behind the. Roads? Forget them! Wi Fi - voted overwhelmingly down as a Village wide project but there he goes again. And what does he want - a doorway fee. Why? So he can go and spend it, waste it, actually, on more inane and financially unfeasible projects.
     Where are the management principles that should be applied?
     Where is the process and procedure that should be a standard part of any contract or proposal?
     Where is UCO when they are supposed to listen to the residents and their needs?
     Where is UCO and the officers when it comes to putting brakes on Eva and WPRF as she ramps up our new fees for ridiculous and often shoddy, needing replacement too early projects. and how many more times are we going to plant and replant at the clubhouse? I believe there are far more important places to spend our money.
     More on the security issue. The incident at Somerset the other night took place between 11:05 and 11:20 and when UCO was called the next day to ask why no Rover was available to come, Ed Black told the caller she should have called 911. Really? Why are we paying millions of dollars for security that does not exist? Why are we paying for Rovers that are not in existence? A big deal was made about these Rovers and now we are told that the company is short staffed and cannot staff them!!!! Really! Then go hire someone. But this is just another example of the crappy contracts we get in this place because the people involved are clueless as to how to do this whole procedure properly. "Whoops, there goes another million....."
     Where is the end of arbitrary rules made by WPRF, the better to block Poohbah's opposition?
     Where is the realization that we need an austerity budget until we pull out of our mess and get it straightened out.
     Where is our audit, offered for free and ACCEPTED BY POOHBAH and then denied?
     Where is the truth about our budget. It is dizzying as the numbers keep changing and large sums of money are thrown about with random care.
     Where, oh where, is the light at the end of the tunnel? That light will appear when we VOTE DOWN THE BUDGET AND ELECT THE PROPER PEOPLE EVERY CHANCE WE GET. COME TO THE MEETINGS AND VOTE THE PROPER WAY IF YOU ARE A DELEGATE.
     It is in our hands - if we act in a timely manner.

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