Wednesday, December 31, 2014


     Let's take stock of the situation as we see and know it and what still needs to be done. I know it gets discouraging sometimes when we think how hard we have to fight in order to get things done and how we always have to be on guard to watch against returns to old topics, but as the saying goes, "If you do not stand up to evil, evil will stand up to you." Not that what is going on is necessarily "evil" per se, but it is harmful, careless and wrong, just plain wrong. It involves conceit and egotism and a determination on the part of some to continue to hold the reins of power as they see it, for as long as they have breath in their bodies. It involves the brazen waste of our funds. It involves the worst contract process I have ever seen and the result is horrific, again and again.
     The Poohbah thinks that he has it all covered this assembly come Friday. If the budget is not voted down, then hurrah for him, he thinks and if it is, well then the 2014 budget stands with its Wi Fi fees and hoorah for him, he thinks. So - VOTE DOWN THIS BUDGET, LOUDLY AND CLEARLY. THERE WILL BE A ROLL CALL VOTE SO STAND PROUD AND VOTE FOR THE VILLAGE, NOT FOR HIM. Remember, he can do NOTHING to you.
     As for the Wi Fi fee, instruct Andy Rosen that your association WILL NOT PAY THIS FEE. REMEMBER, WE VOTED DOWN WI FI AND IT SHOULD NOT EVEN BE AN ISSUE.
What would be great would be for a delegate to stand up and make a motion to amend the budget to reflect the last assembly's vote on Wi Fi - no funds, no project, no nothing, so no fees.
     What else? Remember how many times the Poohbah has stated that Rod Tennyson has to go and we need to work with other attorneys? Uh huh! Well, guess who is still hanging around? Yup, you got it in one. Is it not time that we let this man go and get a live, thinking, independent minded attorney who knows that the law is the law and not what David Israel wants it to be.
     And what about our wonderful new security company. Oh, I know we heard how hard Ed Black worked on this, the sweat equity he put into this. Really? Well, we still have no Rover number - quite an issue. We still have long lines and shortages of staff. We still have many other things going wrong here so just how did we benefit from this? And the answer is - WE DID NOT!!!!!!
 So much for the methodology involved here, letting the delegates see the contract for 15 minutes while other things were going on and then having them vote as it was rammed through by that unholy pair.
     People, we need to stand up to this. We need to run for office. We need to vote in new people, not more puppets of the Poohbah. We need to stop recycling the same people on committees and media outlets. We need to show the Poohbah the writing on the wall.
     Come to the assembly and support the right team. Come to the assembly and vote or tell your delegate how to vote. It is your right to do so.

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