Monday, December 22, 2014


     So our Grand Poohbah makes a big thank you volunteers post on his blog. Yes, we need to say thank you to the volunteers, but what makes it all a bit hypocritical is that these thank yous cannot be made to the other volunteers, the would be volunteers, the wanna be volunteers - all those who are rejected by the Grand Poohbah OPENLY because he does not like them and their village viewpoints. What happens instead is that we recycle people, putting them on different committees and then saying, "Oh, no, sorry, no room at the inn. We are all filled up.
     How much better our Village would be, how much smoother our operations would flow, how much more sense we would have, how much more financially sound we would be - if only, ALL the talent of the villagers were taken into account. Even when one of his "supporters" such as Barbara Cornish asks a legitimate question, the man ignores it and then suddenly he will come out with a blast, be it private or public, and that person will be mud again. Just waiting on this latest round, Barbara.
     There is a rather new commentator on the other blogs who seems to have a modicum of common sense and even if we do not always agree, he/she makes much sense in many postings. Questions are asked about the bonuses. Questions are asked about the one owner one vote and where did that go - down the toilet, jangor8902, for if that were the case, the Poohbah knows he would lose. Comments are made as to how not every issue needs to revolve around their self made war(my words) with the "malcontents" - and again, proud to bear that name, Poohbah - and more questions are raised.
     How much more garbage are we going to take with the mismanagement of WPRF here in the Village. Since no one is ever spoken to except for the Poohbah, we know nothing and no reasons for mess-ups are given. Instead of ridiculous attention being given to those pickleball courts - and I never see anyone there - why are two important recreation areas still under construction. Will we ever see a completed Hastings and a resident pool at the clubhouse back in commission? Will the pier on Duck Island ever be completed, over a year in the stage of "promise" and no, Petey Boy, you nasty critter, not for you to drown the people you do not like - but for the fishermen and women of the Village, of which there are many. thanks to you, Poohbah, for the troubles we have are to find their cause right in your court, right in your hands. Take a long deep look at the man in the mirror and ask the right questions and answer honestly and perhaps we will then be saying, "Oh, thank you, but your service is no longer required or needed" - sound familiar? Right now - thanks for nothing to you. Oops, wrong - thank you oh so much for the crappy roads and the wasted money.

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