Friday, December 5, 2014


                             WE WON!!!!!!!

    Thank you delegates and residents of the Village for the resounding and sound defeat of the Wi Fi proposal for the Village. It was an expense of uncertain duration and an open ended multi million dollar price tag and a very unsure state of quality and workability.
     So pompous videos and put on airs do not work. Appealing to the common sense of our residents does work.
     Perhaps it is time that the UCO officers realize that they do not have the temperature of their constituents and they must remedy that. Frankly, I would have loved to see a vote of no confidence in this UCO administration. That is how out of touch they are with reality. They need to open up UCO to the rest of the world and stop trying to keep all in their tight hot little hands.
     David Israel needs to go to school to learn how to run a meeting properly, how to exercise control in a positive manner and not by arbitrarily deciding that something is or is not out of order or by arguing his feeling from the dais. That is verboten! He must learn to share the wealth in terms of appointing people to count ballots for example, not keep it partisan - exactly as was done in the elections.The chair MUST remain neutral and believe you me, this man does not.
     Onwards and upwards we will go now. We will tackle the other issues that plague us in the Village and watch very carefully that David Israel does not try to raise this again when the Village is quite empty and he has only his zombie delegates, exactly what he did with term limits.
     Congratulations to all of us !!

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