Wednesday, February 25, 2015

AND HE'S OFF............

     Good morning , folks, and welcome to the topsy-turvy world of David Israel. All those after hours meetings in the UCO building have finally burst open and spilled their agenda. The man is running scared, frightened that his reign of terror and power will be fading away within the year. Tsk, tsk.
     So this man, who has used OUR building to plan his attack campaign, used OUR electric, water and whatever else he used, including office supplies, has come out in the open. Finally. About time. So, since I cannot respond on his blog, as fascism demands the stifling of all opposition, I will respond on my blog.
      I stand by all my statements about David Israel.

He does have an inflated ego.

He does have a sense of paranoia as he believes the world is out to get him.

He has closed off all media to us - no paper, no Channel 63, no forums - all "NON_ SANCTIONED" according to his words.

He does twist things as he pleases, so do go back to my blog and see the context wherein I wrote all those words that he quotes. Twist and turn, David.

He does associate with people who have other plans for our Village, including Ed Black, who took the money from our reserve accounts without asking the delegates - AGAINST OUR BYLAWS.  Is this what you want for your president and vice president?

I love that he attacks my writing skills. Wonder how many plays this man has written? Wonder how many articles this man has written on his own. Hey, we could have an impromptu on the spot writing contest. Nah, he would never go for it, the same as he would never go for a debate. He would lose - and has lost. Just go back to last year's Forum  where I put him under the table!

Oh David, I feel sorry for you that you need to do this. But, if that is what you want to do - IT IS A FREE WORLD, contrary to what you believe and act on. So do you want me to go back and print out all the threats of your lovely "Fred Sanford"? Could his initials be EB? Aw, that's right! He too is a coward so never signs in with his name. Oh, also forgot - I have his IP addresses and the location right there in UCO, again using OUR equipment to run off personal deeds and wishes. Naughty, Naughty!
     So go ahead, throw your little tantrums, send out your pathetic little attacks and could we finally get down to the issues as I have been asking for over the past  year, give or take, get down to business?

     Oh, David? Just reminding you of the names you have used, including calling Carol S. a Nazi, a Goebels, called Barbara Cornish a toxic tart and the whore of Babylon (and now you back her?!!!!), and even accused me of starting a plot, a cabal, of Orthodox Jews here in the Village, those who belong to Aitz Chaim, to "take over" the Village. You are so truly pathetic that I even feel sorry for you. Do you need more reminders?

     Gee, wonder who is next? Gee, I wonder if we should go after his candidates as he does the opposition? Hmmmm. Nah, not worth it. I will make comments and so will others, but it will be on our own personal time, in our own personal homes, on our own computers - and not use the resources of UCO in a wasteful and hateful manner as you and yours have done over the years. Wonder if there is a felony in that?

Hey, David, why don't you fill in the rest of those postings of mine and see if the people agree with what I wrote? Too scary for you, huh, as you never wish to face up to your lacks and your misdeeds, so please, do go ahead, and quote me. Nice to see one's words in print. I guess that means that they are now sanctioned, so I can continue to write with your royal approval. So can I now respond on your blog? You can always write on mine.
     Sorry, just had to add this in. The image came to me of you sitting scrunched up over your computer keyboard and screen and gathering, with nasty hee,hee, hees, statements from my postings, thinking, "I'll get you, my pretty!" Too bad I don't have a dog, Toto.

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