Monday, February 16, 2015


     Hey, Gracie, this one's for you.

     Debates, pamphlets, news sheets and other forms of speech and displaying opinions have been with us since before this country ever became a country. In fact, it is a big part of how and why we did become a country. And so it continued, whether it was with responsible journalism and thought, or yellow journalism and tabloid mentality and now into the etherworld - a dangerous world indeed. In fact, on Saturday, there was an article about the dangers of the Internet and how they are exploding, almost beyond control - so, I ask again, by the way, ought we not to think many times over before we jump into some huge undertaking. Yes, the Internet is quite useful, but we all know that many of the people who use it or will use it are plum subjects for the picking. We need to think how to protect them, teach them in a hands on way what to do. I even suggested this, asked about it, at a DA. David Israel jumped on it, adopting it as his own - and I do not care - but again, nothing seems to be happening other than secret meetings about broadband and new signs!
     Back to debates. The committee this year has cancelled a forum. Why? Because if certain people get up there, their lacks will be readily seen. The forum from last year did not work well for them but miraculously their slate came in. We intend to do something about the elections this year, insuring that they are open, transparent, honest and moral. Big job, but we will try.

     So, no debates? Ah, but here comes the opportunity to debate, to present oneself to the electorate - on Thursday, Feb. 19 at 3:30 in the Clubhouse. Yet it seems that many have either not responded or turned it down. Why? Why are they afraid and I do not care what the individual's point of view is. An officer or member of the Exec. Bd. must be able to stand up at any meeting and speak one's thoughts. And trust me, there will be many a time when the audience there will be hostile, but one must show the courage to stand up and speak up.
The Great Debates of an almost unknown and real underdog, Abraham Lincoln and the famous, smooth and suave Stephen Douglas, changed the history and fate of this nation. We should be proud to emulate them and change the fate of this Village.

A Russian TV insider stated the other day that, "What matters most in a dictatorship is control of the security services and control of propaganda."

Ooooh, does that sound familiar? We must step in and break up the stranglehold that David Israel and crew have over this village. We must stop Ed Black from using his position as non elected supervisor over three quarters of UCO, including tech, security and the president! We must break the stranglehold over the venues of free speech, stop his propaganda machine dead in its tracks, force him and his supporters to come out in the open. No more secret meetings. No more contracts with no competition.

In our association we do not do anything without at least three bids and a discussion with the bidders. How are we doing a sign, which by the way I do not feel we need nor ought to spend thousands of dollars on, with only ONE bid? How much is this and I do not need excuses about regulations and the cost? If it is too much for us then screw it! Cancel it! Table it for another decade! Saving money for more urgent needs is more important.

     This is what happens when things are done without process and procedure, without prioritizing needs, costs and benefits, without principles of management and proper accounting principles and sound financial basis of thought.
So come to the meeting on Thursday and in fact, there is a meeting of the President's Club on Friday which has interesting information about the pipes in the walls and how to fix them. These meetings are the kind of information we need and without threat of security forces being called down on our heads, without demonization of the opposition, without the persistent lies, lies and more lies. Come, hear, listen, speak up and then in the March DA vote for change, for a better Village, for your wallet and financial safety.

PS. Thank G-d! Gracie answered with one of her lovely comments. Life is good!

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