Tuesday, February 17, 2015

MALCONTENTS OF GREAT STATURE: A. Lincoln, Tom Paine, Stew Richland

An Opinion by Stew Richland
No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical, social or political  seduction, can eradicate from my gut the deep burning disgust that I have for D.Isreal‘s posting on  his blog. . So far as I am concerned this  posting illustrates the underlying reason why so many Century Villagers are so at odds with the supporters of the Israel administration.
These people seem to enjoy their own emotionally bad health, and who habitually fill their own minds with the rank poisons of suspicion, jealousy and hatred.  As a rule  I take umbrage at those who refuse to  understand that there are some great people living in the Village. In our Village there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.'   All issues are political. Much of the politics of the
 current Village administration is  filled with evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
Does this administration not understand  the simple premise  that what brings people together,  their motivation  for throwing their hat in the ring is energized by their disgust  at the way the Village is being run.
I am tired of the Israel administration trying to divide those who oppose them and his programs, calling them rabble rousers, malcontents,  referring to them as  “BAD GUYS.” 
I understand and respect Dave Israel’s right to support and urge others to support candidates of his choice.  (Based on his recent  tweet, he  seems not  to share the same values of us malcontents.) We have had an opportunity to judge some of the candidates  that Israel  supports, and that explains why so many others have decided to run for office.  He calls it a “travesty”  that malcontent Villagers want to run for the Executive Board.
Let  us  examine the wisdom of our High Commissioner.  He starts  a blog. He encourages people to sign up and become members. People begin to participate, when some bloggers begin to   display independent thought, and  begin to express it, he kicks them off his blog.  They are  now persona non-grata.
 At the delegate assembly meetings, the Lord High Commissioner  exercise his self-righteous   persona, and  from  his bully pulpit  he calls those who want to contribute “rabble rousers,  a joke fest etc. organizers of chaos.”  He arbitrarily and with capriciousness limits those who want to join in the debate to two minutes.  How heartless this is when  many of the contributors are inexperienced in public speaking and are cut off by the gabble and told to sit down.  How many are accused of being out of order?  No wonder there is such confusion at the Delegate Assembly meetings.
I attended a nomination  committee meeting, and the focus was on encouraging new people to run for office. New blood so to speak.  Well that’s what happened. Now the High Commissioner, refers to them as “absurd and unqualified malcontents.”    If we re-elect some of his proven candidates  that have a “record of service to the community”  will we see a dynamic change in UCO? The answer is a no brainer. 
Our High Commissioner  is trying to sell us a list of candidates that he supports. Based on his criteria they are highly intelligent and have a record of service.  Well there are many of us in our prior life that also have a resume  of public service, are highly educated, and are motivated to serve our community.   We are sick and tired of all this negativity, name calling  and abusive treatment.This is the reason why so many  persons decided to run for  to run for office.  
My apologies to Mark Anthony.
Friends, Villagers, and  readers.  Give me your attention.
I write here not to praise our Lord High Commissioner but  to illustrate his grievous faults.  He is an ambitious man. He has brought some positive changes to our Village, but at what price?   He wants to “Isralize” the Village.  The “Ides of March” cannot come quickly enough for me.  So chill out and let the vox populi – the voice of the people -   make their choices in an environment free from negative innuendos which scream from his blog.   

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