Tuesday, February 10, 2015


     So what is going on now in our political arena? Well, same old same old as far as I can see. We argue issues - term limits, sensible and sound budgets, Village needs, process and procedure, misuse of the media venues in the Village and what do we get in return? This -

"Thank you for the latest royal blabber from Lower Slobovia-aka Wellington C." 
on 2/9/15
"You rant and rave as that is your disposition. you are just a plain nasty human..."
Yes, this is the level of the intelligence of the other team, sad but true. Where is the attention to the issues? The first one was sent by yup, you guessed it, a certain VP candidate and the other was sent by someone who seems to be evidencing issues of memory as she cannot remember that she has sent this to me many, many times, ad infinitum ad nauseum!
So.... I extend a hand in challenge once again - come out and be a grownup. Come and debate. Come and talk issues. Open up the venues of the media. What is it that frightens you so? Why are you tongue tied when it comes to the issues but so free with the venomous tongue. If you have criticism, then state it, with reasons, facts, details, whatever, but this bubble gum type of writing is beyond stupid, beyond sanity.
Must be the paranoia, I guess. So sad for our Village. Must check the regs on removal of officers for cause, such as lack of sane and intelligent cognitive thinking.
C'mon, man up, woman up already. Let the Villagers hear what you have to say. If not, we will just go on pounding away at you, no problem, but we are offering you an opportunity to speak up, more than you have EVER done for us.

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