Thursday, February 19, 2015


     Many people have asked why I am involved in this whole political mess. Since I always like to crack jokes, I answer, "Why not - can't be any worse than what we've got right now!!!" But the true answer lies elsewhere, not in comedy but in all seriousness.
     I hate things that are done badly. I hate incompetence. I despise people who will not admit that they are over their head and call for assistance - and take that help when it is offered. I strongly dislike those who refuse to realize and accept that all have a right to their say, to their opinions and when that opinion is opposed to them, or critical of their actions and proposals, just freak out.
     In 2013, a brave and intrepid soul, a lawyer in Tunisia, was gunned down by Islamic terrorists - oops, sorry, no such thing according to Obama! - and the world grew a bit darker for his loss. What he once said made a great impression on me. "We can disagree in our diversity but within a civilian, peaceful and democratic framework.  Disagree in our diversity, yes!!"
     That is what I, and others around the Village, want to do - merely to disagree within a democratic framework, but that right is denied to us. We are facing our own "dark ideology" right here in south Florida within the confines of CV. So when we are ridiculed, shamed, yelled at in public, cursed, threatened, verbally and emotionally abused in private and in public at meetings, what is one to do?
     Well, what one must do is stand up for one's beliefs, for one's rights. If not, then we are just as culpable in the ravages that will affect the Village and our financial safety. Bankruptcy is not a  good prospect, and yet if we continue to spend on items that are totally not needed or necessary, that do not advance and/or maintain our quality of life here in CV and do so at reasonable and affordable cost, then we will face that. An example of the violation of that essential principle? Easy - one can pick and choose. The paving job and the time taken to fix the perimeter walkway, even if it is only piecemeal. The sinkhole that developed when it did not have to. The $44,000+ sign that we most definitely do not need and after only one bid was submitted. The entire Wi Fi project with its multi million dollar cost, unthought thru process, and now the attempted boondoggle of broadband for the Village. Many associations have even stepped up and improved on the original Comcast setups of Wi Fi for their buildings, taken initiative to improve their members' quality of life at reasonable cost. The security contract with lines still out to the streets - I was caught in one yesterday when I drove in with someone who did not have a bar code. A s---l---o---w fixing of Hastings and the Clubhouse residents' pool - at what cost too! And the list can go on.
     So why do this? Because I feel I must. This is how I was raised - to step forward, accept responsibility, watch out for fellow citizens, friends, and even those who refuse to accept help.
And if my tongue gets a bit acerbic at times when talking about my distinguished opponents, well, sorry, but there is a limit and when one has been threatened to be blown up, cursed at for being  a Jew, yes, here in CV, and called other ridiculous names, well, the limit is reached. I apologize to those who are offended, but clearly state that I am human and I have red lines too, just as Obama does, but I stick by mine! And besides, some of my comments are funny. And true.
     So if one does not like the current situation for any reason, then come today at 3:30 to the Clubhouse and listen, ask questions, or speak about yourself if you are running for a position. Don't hang back, hide and go along with that absolutely egotistical and nonsensical statement that this is "non-sanctioned". Really, since when do we need the approval of David Israel or anyone else to do anything we want here in CV. Do we listen to the words of Eva and then kowtow to her statement that we need to watch out because Big Brother is watching and of course, the security officers will "police" us. Really! Since when did you or I or any of us buy into a police state rife with threats, real and proposed, and cameras to check our every move. Since when did we agree to secret closed meetings held by David Israel and Co.
     I cannot stand silent in this situation. Come, listen, and I will tell you what I propose to do if elected to the Exec. Bd. - or at least try to, even as David Israel plays his nasty games and then appoints 8 more people to the board so he can maintain his plurality. But one must at least try.

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