Friday, March 27, 2015


        The world is in a precarious situation. Four countries in Africa are at war against Boko Haram, Saudi Arabia is attacking Yemen along with other Arab states, Syria is a heap of rubble, deserted by its population, we are bombing Tikrit again and this time Iran is supposedly on the same side - though we are in negotiations to limit their nuclear capacity (no wonder Israel is wary of these negotiations) and ISIS is all over the place including recruiting from every country, including our own. The Middle East is on fire, the Ukraine is burning and what shall be done? What can be done?
     I do not have the answer in proper PC terminology and that is perhaps the problem. When we refuse to recognize the truth, when Obama refuses to state clearly that much of this world wide fire is caused by Islamic extremism, by religion perverted to goals of power, slavery, rape and terror, then what chance does the world have when our leaders are cowards.When our leaders acquiesce. When our leaders allow this to happen.
     When there is a bit of mold, or a small leak, or some dry rot or whatever small problem in a home, the prudent thing is to fix it before it becomes big and unmanageable. The principle is the same in the world, but we have neglected these small fires, turned a blind eye to them and instead of small fires they have turned into huge forest fires, uncontrollable in their fury.
     In 1969 there was a song, "One Tin Soldier" sung by the Original Caste. Go to You Tube and listen to it. How prescient it was. It speaks of a kingdom on the mountain which contained a treasure beneath a stone and of the valley people below who wanted that treasure, would get that treasure if they had to kill for it! So while the mountain kingdom wished to share it, the valley people turned that offer away, spurned it with sword and blood. After they had killed all, they turned over the stone and what it had buried there was the saying "Peace on Earth".
     The refrain:
                        Go ahead and hate your neighbor
                         Go ahead and cheat a friend
                         Do it in the name of Heaven
                         You can justify it in the end.

     Back to our world here in the Village. We also have two kingdoms here, one willing to share all with all, be inclusive of all the segments and sects of the Village, one which wishes to have that peace on earth right here in our home, but there are the valley people who wish to attain and keep total control, 100% control, and they are well on their way. When they can arbitrarily censor, force good people to resign, unable to work with people like this, when non elected people rule the roost, nastily, when we are told we cannot and will not be allowed to think for ourselves, then we are in big trouble and the small fires are now one big forest fire, ravaging our home.
     The person who lit the matches must be thrown out of office, along with his aides and abettors, if we are to survive. They can try to justify it all, but the first two lines of the refrain say it all. There is no love here on their part, only disdain and contempt for those they "rule", for those they wish to control. By the way, since this is OUR Channel 63, OUR funds that pay for it AND it can be viewed from elsewhere other than the Village, besides free speech violations I am wondering if there is a Federal violation of the rules of the airwaves as well and yes, my attorney is looking into that as well.
     David, I tried. I offered a hand and you slapped it. I offered to help and you spurned it. I offered a competition and you tried to crush it. I offered an easy way for the dilemma of the ballots and you refuse it and then cry wolf. Just exactly what do you think you will gain here? A legacy? I promise you, when you are  gone that legacy will not be a positive one. So think about it. There is always time to reconcile, sign a peace treaty and do the right thing, the moral thing and call off the dogs of war. Your choice. And by the way, Mr. Israel, I am not "that person" as you referred to me in a rant at a meeting. My name is Esther and there are many "that persons" around, many who think like me.

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