Tuesday, April 14, 2015


    Before you read this and future articles on the blog, please understand that on this blog malcontents refers to David Israel, Ed Black et al. The people who oppose them are actually reformers.
   The question is often asked as to how we found ourselves in this position, being in the forefront of the increasingly successful fight against the malcontents of Israel and Black. Well, the answer is simple, no matter where and of whom we ask. Remco Campert said, "Asking yourself a question, that's how resistance begins. And then ask that very question to someone else."
     See? Simple. Right in front of your eyes. The questions abound once one opens the eyes and looks around with a new perspective. Why are things going wrong so often and so badly? What is wrong with the leadership or presumed leadership at the top? How do we stop this? How do we make our situation a better one? And the rest just follows. What is stunning the malcontents is that there is a strong followup and a strong following and they have faced defeat in the DA, especially when the whole contingent or more of them are here, not just the malcontent zombies who go along with  their ruler on his every sayso.
    So we publish a list of questions, but get tired of the dense silence, except for nastiness, that comes out of the malcontents' mouths. We get tired of hearing or reading the same puppets and shills of the malcontent leaders as they write nasty and irrelevant and inane comments - the same people all the time. We know they are from the two leaders because NOTHING gets on Israel's blog unless he agrees and he will only allow supportive statements.
     But do these people stop? NO!!! They are like hamsters in a cage, running scared and frantically in a vain effort to get out, to get away from what they have done, and like all liars and miscreants, when caught with their pants down, they just keep pulling them down even more rather than pulling them up and confessing their misdeeds. So what we have now is an escalation of the repression tactics that Israel and Black are so good at. They seem to have Eva under their thumb for we all know that no matter what they try to put over by saying that the pictures are her idea, we all know the truth and just listen to their idiocy.
    "Oh, it is for security and safety." REALLY? Then why is there a hole on Bingo night when people enter all entrances. Do all these people have good conduct passes? And truly, one can enter the Clubhouse on any day through another door. Just hang and wait and the door will open.
     "There have been thefts." REALLY?  At the entrance door? Because that is where the pictures are? OR......are there more cameras taking pictures of us all over the Clubhouse - a major invasion of privacy! Are they in the lavatories as well? Wouldn't that just give the malcontents a thrill!! So where is the safety? If a supposed thief walks in the door and steals something in the party room, how do you know? How does one check? The holes in these statements are wide enough to drive a truck through.
     Why the secrecy? Why the hiding until someone slipped and blabbed? What are the true motives? Are the malcontents going to gin up some fake theft and then say that one of the reformists was in the building at the time so let's go break down their door? Is David Israel going to throw one of his tantrums and shout  911. 911.
     Are these cameras part of the Kent security contract? In that case, it has nothing to do with Eva and WPRF. If it is, then why are we paying for it and why were we not told and why was it not listed in the open portrayal of the contract that was so hurriedly crammed down people's throats at the DA?
     The questions can go on and on and all the while there will be no good answers, for they are caught and tripping on those lowered pants! We can do this type of questioning on any number of topics but the result is the same - no answer, the continued wasting of our funds and more repression. All you can see now on Channel 63 are old free movies in the public realm. Wow! I am so under impressed, especially when they had a really good thing going under the Greggs, but golly gee, my picture and my voice were seen and heard on there and the malcontents did not get their pants down on time and befouled themselves, so off it had to go and off went the Greggs, a principled couple, something Ed Black and David Israel do not understand at all - because they have no principles!
     So that is how we got here, beginning with the lonely voice of one and then two and then three and then four and then eight and then more and more and then a paper and blogs and support in the DA and on it goes and on it grows and now David Israel has to answer to lawsuits and to legal letters and dang! there go the pants again!
    My little girl during toilet training would have an accident and when asked why she did not say anything, she would say, "No answer makin' in the pants." Do you have one, David Israel? Do you have one, Ed Black? Do any of you have an answer?

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