Friday, May 29, 2015


     It seems as if the heat is being felt in the "kitchen" of UCO. They do not like being called out for their faults, for their incompetencies, but if the shoe fits, then..... We all know the end of that saying.
     I am given to understand that someone over there at The Rag is quite upset with the new name and the accusations against this paper. They make sure to tell the people that there is "plenty to read" by stating that on the front page. Sure there is, if you like ads, recipes, restaurant reviews, a book review, an article about the 50's, Lanny Howe's chess experience with a grandson, etc., etc. Sure, some people would like these articles and there is nothing inherently wrong about having them included. HOWEVER, where is the information that is supposed to be transmitted to the residents? Where are the writers, not just the same names again and again? Where is the spirited presentation of all sides of an issue that would allow the readers to decide for themselves what they believe and where they stand?
     Inside UCO I guess maybe they can't stay in the kitchen for the heat. I advocated, yesterday, and many times before, that David Israel and Ed Black need to go. And they need to take along with them the rest of the "volunteers" who are out for themselves rather than for serving the needs of the residents. There are volunteers who are trying, who have given much of their time and they are to be praised, but there are also volunteers who have been royally shafted, tossed out into the proverbial cold without so much as a thank you. Where are the Greggs? Where is Neil Moore? Where are so many former officers? On the outs, that is where.
     I will not name the good people who are still involved as to do so would only result in their being tossed out posthaste, but there is also a lot of trash, people who just want their little fiefdoms and who have sold their souls for it. If people feel the heat of this accusation then perhaps their inner souls are trying to tell them something. Perhaps they need to stop and think and evaluate. Right now Petey Boy and Gracie are whining because they feel that too many "enfeebled" (his choice of word) CV residents are reading my articles. Well, tough. That is called freedom of the press, free speech, civil rights and I could go on. If you are so concerned about it, then write something sensible. Try to refute me but in sensible statements, not whines, nor rants, nor plain old name calling and threats.
     But their own little world continues and they are apparently oblivious to the realities of a changing world and the lack of sense in their statements is amazing. I am constantly being told that I do not know nor understand nor have various Ethernet capabilities. That is interesting as I have broadband, a plethora of devices, streaming possibilities, the best Comcast connection available and I use them, else how the hell would I be writing every day?!
     But, a big but, or however, is right there, like the proverbial elephant in the living room. The world of cable, broadband, media is in such turmoil now along with a confused series of levels of governments that no one really knows what will be. One company is swallowing another, broadband delivery is STILL dependent on delivery by cable connections, so what the hell are we doing contemplating new contracts now. We need to sit tight. Broadband is here, and quite healthy, within the Village. Anything you want, from Hulu and Netflix or any other streaming site, is here, so what the hell is all the plotting about? Another selfish and thoughtless way in which to spend our money, money that will have to be raised thru increased fees, along with the $2 million a year for the roads and all the rest of the ridiculous financial assininity that is going on?
     Let's fix our fences. Let's get a security system that works right and just does not take more and more pictures. Let us polish up the areas of the Village which look scruffy, especially along the grassy areas around the perimeter road. Pay attention to the trees that need trimming or are broken.  Where are these volunteers whose responsibility is to go around the Village and check on these things? Their job is not to sit pretty and chat and drink water and eat snacks provided by the generosity of themselves to themselves. Nor is it to sit or stand in the lobby area of UCO and chat. Get things done, and done properly or get out. And by the way, the bus stop by Andover, across from Wellington E needs to be properly fixed. Throwing a bunch of rocks down in the gaping hole does not a fix make. It needs filling up with paving material. Do we need to have someone get seriously hurt before we take care of this? This has been brought to the attention of UCO for months, even years, already.
     Getting too hot for you in the kitchen of UCO, in the kitchen of The Rag? Then get out of it. Cool off with a swim in the pool. Take a cold drink of ice water and chew on the ice. Or whatever, but stop messing up our Village for your own ego satisfaction.
     And speaking of ego satisfaction and its cost to us, now they have admitted that their crap paving job which they have defended the past few years since its destructive appearance in our Village, is a piece of garbage and will last only perhaps another eight and a half years - maybe! - and thus the money for it will need to be increased putting many residents here in major financial straits. And you, Gracie, shut up with your stupid comments about how people need to afford living here. They could and would into the future if we did not have creeps and incompetents and egoists such as David Israel, Ed Black and Bob Marshall who got us here in the first place. Damn them to hell for getting us in this mess, denying their guilt and role in this and now they have to admit the truth. And cut the crap about how the delegates voted it. They did not manipulate the money. Your buddies did! You should all hang your heads in shame and cough up some money of your own to repay the Village for damages that you and yours cost us.

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