Wednesday, May 20, 2015


        I was so happy to get home late yesterday after the races thru the airports to catch connecting planes, the ups and downs that kill my ears and the crazy schedules we had to meet. I miss the kids, but aahhh, to sleep in my own bed.
      Last nite I actually had time to check comments and what do you know -  there they were again, the Nasties, in full bloom., Ed, Gracie, Petey Boy, in all their glory on my blog and David's. I do not know what makes them tick and it would be fun to be a fly on the wall in their session with a shrink!
     So here I am, trying to write a blog which has a bit of culture and world views in it, pleasing myself if no one else, and here they come. Gracie tells me I am unloved, unwanted, a nasty person, a sore loser, no one will ever love me again, and now a joke, all according to her, along with other lovely additions. She makes my day, don't ya' think!
     Then we have the nasty Petey Boy who never makes any comment worth while, worthy of the time it takes to type and click on, but who persists in his losing battle. You see, there is nothing that the minions can say that would make any sense or contribute to the discussion in any positive manner, so instead he engages in name calling, sounding just like Gracie, as if they are playing in the schoolyard. For heaven's sake - GROW UP! Try to think, to contribute in a positive manner or are you too busy buying more apartments and being a profiteer, Petey? Gracie - well, what can one say. One has to work with whatever size scoop G-d gave us.
     But, Ed - well that is another story. This man is dangerous. Allegedly, he has made some nasty, vicious statements all along, taken over UCO, threatened to have me killed in various manners, but lately has been quiet. Maybe because he does not feel well. So go home and rest, Quit UCO. But no, the man managed, yesterday, to insult so many groups it is amazing. He dissed women, political thinkers, Jews, Israelis, and the list goes on. The man is a hater, a dangerous person and he has his finger in all the pies of the Village.
     And why is this so? Because he is allowed to do so by our "esteemed" president, David Israel or he has a Svengali effect on David Israel, but the end result is the same. AND WE ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN, WE ALLOW THIS TO REMAIN THE STATUS QUO IN THE VILLAGE. How? By allowing David Israel to remain in office. By allowing his to overturn the term limits ruling and remain in office a poisonous third term during which the aftereffects of the first two combined with the ineptness of the third term to bring us perilously close to disaster.
     I do not care what illusions he is trying to weave with his budget "audit". We need a forensic audit of the past three terms to discover exactly what he has done, where the money has gone. He shows amounts in the budget and is he for real!!!! Now for the roads, you know, the roads for which we spent five million dollars and more, to get the crummiest job ever? Yeah, that one. Well, now we need to put away TWO MILLION a year for fifteen years to redo. First of all it would be a miracle from on high to make these roads last another fifteen years. And what about the drainage? And now he has suddenly returned to the budget funding needs for perimeter fencing. Guess he heard our thoughts on the need for replacement, especially in certain areas. In any case, all these funds will not be placed in a designated, reserve fund, but in the mish mash account. So even if, by some miracle, we were able to put aside these funds and more - an unlikely prospect unless we increase our payments to UCO disastrously, who the hell would know if the money were there waiting to be spent or had already been flushed down the toilet on various pet projects that are anti Village wishes?!
     Now, to distract even more, and because he has nothing of any value to say, David Israel has published another letter dealing with the lawsuit. So big deal, it was dismissed. The plaintiffs have come back with a response. Stuff like this goes on all the time in lawsuits. That is why they drag on and on. The best thing would have been to admit total responsibility for his misdeeds in this affair and delineate the steps he has taken or proposed to take to alleviate the situation and not by this dream of putting aside $2 million a year even as other needs bloom and blossom. Does he think this is Trump Village, with millionaires living here and nary a financially pressed person around? Well, look again, fool, and see the reality. We have people who are struggling. We have people who are okay, and we have people who would be okay if they did not have to help children who are not, due to the economic fluxes of the times. But we do not have the capacity to put aside the enormous amount you now say we must.
     So he continues to use scare tactics and verbiage. Try to print something of your own. I know it is hard, but try. Remember, my offer of tutoring, and it would be free for you so no cries of how much it is costing UCO! But write something original, all by yourself, no cheating, and leave the scare tactics out. No condominium or individual who gave money towards this lawsuit cost is liable for anything unless they are named as participating litigants. Stop scaring people, David Israel. Try to grow up too. Using words as a replacement hammer and intimidating people who do not know better is simply a continuation of your delegate assembly tactics, as are your statements that they disrupt the DA. How? By speaking their minds in an appropriate manner? By opposing you? You have already been scolded by the PBSO and told to stop using them as a threat. You sound like the old fashioned mother who would say, "Wait till your father gets home." Useless and stupid.
     Well, no more of that. Stop the repression of rights here in the Village. Stop the stupidity and nonsense that harm all and help no one, not even you! Try to think of a positive manner in which to approach the problem. Hey, I have an idea - RESIGN! Do anything, but what you are doing now. It serves no purpose except for your pathetic and troublesome ego needs. It certainly does not serve the needs of the Village.
     Oh dear, dearie me, now Lanny wants to behead us! Not a joke, Lanny, in this day and age. You see, here is a major difference between you, David and minions, and us. We do not threaten corporeal punishment or harm. We do not threaten nor advocate manhandling by PBSO officers or our own security guards. You do. We do not threaten to kill you. You do. We may advise mental therapy, but that is all and that is helpful advice, not a threat. Nor do we distinguish or use abusive terms due to gender, race, ethnic origin or religion. You do. We want what is best for the Village, not what is best for oneself on a personal basis. You do. So now exactly, who is it that needs help? Look into the mirror, all of you.

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