Wednesday, May 13, 2015


     Yesterday I wrote of the sound of silence that echoes from UCO. It is deafening. But there is also a sound of silence from the electorate, the residents, and their supposed representatives, the delegates and until these repositories of silence are replaced, until they know they HAVE to vote the associations' wishes, and not their own private opinions, the silence will continue and so will the harm to our Village.
     Yesterday there was an IFI, you know the info that David Israel sends to his approved people. It must kill him to know that I receive these from numerous people, thus thwarting his twisted plots and plans to keep certain people in the dark. Ahh, if only he knew how many sources of information I have. Go eat your heart out, dear boy.
     Anyway, I spoke yesterday also of the need to bring the distant consequences closer, to look at more intensely and understand what it is we are doing and/or bringing about by our actions or inaction. Well, the IFI simply bolstered that opinion and need. Let us take a look from the simple to the horrifically complex.
     So we have commissioned a study to review how to save money for future needs. Dumb? Beyond words. Unnecessary? Absolutely. Why so? Because when we had a strictly delineated budget with strictly held designated funds for all our needs, we knew EXACTLY what was coming in, going out, and the future needs and how much we needed to build up. We had a careful watch on the funds to see that they could in no way be spent on other needs. Along came jones, you know who, and signed money away, transferred funds without delegate permission and now ascribes to the oh so sophisticated economic theory of mish mash funds. Truly well thought out, right? WRONG.
     So now we have no money for our present and future needs and have commissioned a study on this topic. Sure, let's just throw out more money, good after bad. This is the kind of thinking or what passes for thinking, in our governments at all levels and gee, who was it again that boasts of working for the government, saving us all? Hmmmm. Who gave permission for this expenditure? How much is it going to cost? Why the hell are we having it anyway?  Ahhh, the sounds of silence.
     Then we have the lake, where perhaps we are facing one of our biggest crisis in the Village. First we had erosion of the lakes so WPRF comes up with geotubes for whatever they are supposed to do but from the beginning all we keep hearing is how fragile they are so we must do this and we must not do that and woe unto the association that does not obey.
     Now we find that these geotubes are disintegrating. How and why is still not clear. If they were so delicate in the first place then maybe they never should have been used in the first place and another solution should have been sought. But worse than that, because they are so delicate, we bought millions of gallons of water to keep up the level of the lakes, not a bad thing, but, oh truly but, this water is dangerous to the health of all in the Village - to the geotubes, the water, the fish and to us, yes, the humans in the Village. Now we hear that this untreated water has given rise to a toxic growth in one of the canals. Lovely! We have algae overwhelming the areas and one other slightly minor issue.
     Due to the fact that we have an overgrowth at the edges of the waterways we now have company living there. Yes, we now have some lovely snake condos along the edges, no fee ones. The water moccasins who have come to visit have come to stay and no, these are not Minnetonka shoes for the water. These are the slimy eely creatures that I hate! And am afraid of and rightfully so for they are deadly. So much so, and so many are here, that Eva has invested in snake catching kits. Watch out for your little pets and your little visiting relatives and for yourselves as well, especially if you walk down to the edges to fish.
     Now we are dithering around as to what we should do. With a bit more care and forethought, with a bit more care and research into the consequences of actions, we would not be in this position now, seeking remedies and likely or just as apt to run into another "solution" without looking into the future.
     Such are the consequences of silence. Such are the consequences of the sounds of silence as our brains shut off and we allow people to run rampant and carelessly with our future, our funds and ignore our needs. Hey, at least maybe we should look into how to get rid of these critters, like call in a herpetologist, maybe many of them, and let them get rid of these things. I know Eva is concerned about it and frankly so am I and frankly so should we all be.
     Silence is nice at the proper time and place. No loud radios at the pools. The awesome silence of nature in its various manifestations. The silence in one's private communings and meditations with G-d.
But not the silence that comes from people taking upon themselves too much authority nor the sound of the silence of the residents as they allow this to happen. Speak up. Roar out. Beat the silence into submission.

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