Monday, June 8, 2015


     Are we to believe that what we heard at the DA is the truth of the matter? I certainly hope not. And the way David Israel was giggling at the end as he adjourned was simply another example of his deterioration and his glee as he thinks he did it yet again, pulled another one over on the residents.
     First we had the Treasurer's report where he clearly states that he has no idea about the reserves, their allocations, whatever. Of course he does not. How could he when it is all in that one huge mish mash account instead of being placed in designated fund accounts. That is how one is to know what one has and what one needs. That is called intelligent budget and financial knowledge and planning, evidently not a priority of the current UCO administration or perhaps it is, just so that they can claim ignorance - but then again, we already know they are ignorant. They are ignorant of even basic process and procedure and have led us down the road to possible bankruptcy and deterioration of our physical plant.
     What was needed was to question him in minute detail and include David Israel , Bob Marshal and Ed Black in those questionings, but people are tired or simply dozing, so they let it go - not a good idea. Of course, we had Gracie Girl get up, the laughingstock of the Village, who then repeated her already oft repeated refrain of how the delegates voted, she was there and knows and knows why they voted that way and we got what we deserve! Of course, no mention of misused and transferred funds, poor contract - if it can be called that, sleight of hand with words so delegates who are only used to looking for the cheapest bid when they fix their homes thought that aha, here is the lowest bid, let's go for it. One has to explain and do it properly. It is all in the presentation and here we were screwed royal by our esteemed "leader".
     Then we have this nonsense again about the ghostly doorknob thieves gang that evidently have nothing better to do other than to go around the Village with timepiece and paper or tablet or whatever and note what time people pick up their doorknob hangings, do this over a long period of time, and then make decisions about robbery, even though this has never happened except in the poor bedimmed mind of Phyllis S. and adherents.
     This is all a tempest in a teapot as the real answer is to allow the CV Messenger to be placed within the holy walls of the Clubhouse, the same as all other legit publications. Why does the Condo News have that right and not this newsletter published by residents of the Village. Anyone remember back to history class and the trial of Peter Zenger wherein the principle of freedom of the press was established - and this was before the Revolution! Why the Jewish Journal? It is because these papers are of interest to the residents and thus allowed as a service. Well, this newsletter is also of interest and published by the residents so the only reason to block it is within the minds of the colluders, Eva and David Israel. Their motivations? Answer that for yourselves.
     Refer back to my prior posting about echoes and once again you will see the echo in the senior housing issue. Jean Dowling had mentioned this long before David Israel did and he only did this because he was shamed into it, another dereliction of duty as the broadband was totally filling his mind to the exclusion of all else. And as far as him getting to know specific codes that relate to my association - the hell NO!!! There is no need for that other than for him to gain more info, the easier to research people and then threaten them. If an association needs help, then help, offer it openly, but do not go sneaking around and enter via the back door, giving someone who sits in the backroom of a building more grist for his mill.
     Finally, what is this thing on his blog now about "seizing the global power of the Internet"? Guess what? It is already here and has been here in CV as long or as early as you have had your Internet connection. There is no magic, no seizing of anything. Use whatever you wish to use from the world of the Internet and one does not need to build a whole expensive installation of anything else, Wi Fi, broadband or whatever one calls it for his purpose. Just choose your provider, your desired level of connection and speed and get on with it. It is here, no seizure necessary - unless you are planning to seize doorknob items! (Sorry, could not pass that one up.)
     People, we must look carefully, think carefully, analyze carefully, whatever comes out of their mouths or is printed in The Rag. There are nefarious purposes behind much of what they say and do. Think and think again before acting on what they say. And Fausto, I am disappointed in you when you made that statement about the party room. There are many clubs that use it - the Italian, the Latino, the African - American, True Sisters, etc. but NOT the Messenger Club. That is the point. And you know that.
     We are being fed baby food, pap, from UCO all in the name of trying to put one and one and one over  on us, again and again and yet again. Please demand to be fed properly. We are grownups and need to demand that we be treated as such,with respect and dignity. Demand this. Demand answers. If we do not, the situation will only get worse until it is beyond repair.

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