So what are these lies that just keep coming our way? Let us take the elephant in the room - the roads. Many of us living here now were not here when the whole issue began, but all one has to do is take a walk, look down at the surface of the roads as you walk, as you stroll along the perimeter, as you find us the Land of a Thousand Lakes after a thunderstorm, as you see failing drains, etc.
Frankly, these roads look worse than they did before we "did" them and why? Aha!! Here come the lies. Because our "esteemed" leaders, in the forms of David Israel, Ed Black, and Bob Marshall, signed away our money, our comforts, our rights to judge a contract on the truths rather than the lies told about it, who did not know that money was illegally transferred, that our contract was really not, our project unsupervised and what was worse, we allowed this whole farce to continue even when it was seen to be a disaster and why? Because those three wanted it that way. Why? You answer that to your own satisfaction. But if you want a real definitive and detailed discussion, please go to Gary's blog and read the Scandals.
We have been shouting from the rooftops about this road disaster and have been called liars ourselves yet look what we now have. Little by little they have come to admit that the roads suck! That the perimeter walkway is broken up by "roots" - really - should that not have been taken care of at the time? And we are doing "emergency" repairs. uh huh!
Then we are told that suddenly the lifetime is not 30 years, but 15, and then 10, and then 8 1/2 and now O'Brien says he doesn't know. We are told we need to get 15 million, no twenty million, no thrity million dollars to fix this mess and guess where that comes from, my friends - your pocket and next year is shaping up to be an expensive year for us and why - because of their lies.
So the accused liars are now the truth tellers and let us see what else. Aha! The security contract. What a lie that was and who was in it - oh, dear, there are David Israel and Ed Black - again! ad infinitum ad nauseum. When the Kent company was put on notice this past meeting, Israel's reaction was "Ludicrous!" Why? What does he have in it that he says this? What is the truth here besides the fact that this company is truly and seriously lacking in its performance, in its contractual promises? Again, you ask and answer for yourselves. I claim to have no answers.
What else? Oh, there is no censorship in the Village. Really? Writers are banned from The Rag by Joy Vestal, Editor and VP. How's that for incestuous relations. Channel 63 became a bulletin board and a portrayer of old, free movies and why - because evidently my face needed to be banned from the channel in a book club discussion and the Greggs, principled people, resigned. Meetings? Uh Uh. Tsk,tsk. No politics we are told. Our "parents" at UCO and WPRF have decided that we seniors are too delicate for serious talk and should just run along and play pickleball and swim and go to shows. No thinking here, folks!
And then we have the complaints that are finally surfacing. For years now I have been saying that our VPs are useless, like teats on a boar. They do nothing but sit there self satisfied, eat and drink and chat and make no effort to do their jobs. Here is a statement from a reader on David's private blog and his answer?-
As always, I listened to the Executive meeting posted by UCO. This time my questions have nothing to do with e subject of the meeting, although they are important. Today, as I listened, I realized that I had never met the UCO VP who presumably is the representative of my association on the UCO Executive Committee. I am an officer of that association, so it seemed strange that he had never been to an association meeting (at least in past three years) and I wondered why he was qualified to represent ourselves and two other associations. Then, I began to wonder about the VP who presumably represented the issues of Sheffield O. Who exactly do the VP's represent? Are they voted on by their associations only or are they general VP at elections although representing only a small group?
Hi Jangor802,
All Officers of UCO are elected by the Delegates comprising the Delegate Assembly.
The Vice Presidents are assigned a quadrant of the Village for administrative purposes, to act as a focal point person to assist the unit owners resident in that quadrant.
Dave Israel
All Officers of UCO are elected by the Delegates comprising the Delegate Assembly.
The Vice Presidents are assigned a quadrant of the Village for administrative purposes, to act as a focal point person to assist the unit owners resident in that quadrant.
Dave Israel
But the lies just keep rolling along, no matter that they are uncovered as lies, no matter that David Israel does not answer this woman's issues with the VPs of UCO, that lies about the attempts to subvert our votes and sneak in Wi Fi again!!!!! and other costly projects, unnecessary ones such as a ridiculous sign for Okeechobee instead of focusing on our true needs, even the little ones - like who authorized these new brown benches that are low and absorb the heat to a dangerous burning level. Do we need to wait for the first tragedy and lawsuit?
What we need is fresh air, fresh people, a clean and transparent UCO that responds to the people of the Village and their needs, that tells the truth.
Get these people in UCO gone! Term limits! Now!!!!!