I do not know whether it is because of the recent hacking into a huge Federal government website or simply the growing loopholes and leaks in the Internet as the "black hatters" of the hacker world seem to grow in knowledge and audacity and as our governments and companies seem to fall further and further behind. Definitely gives one fodder to chew when contemplating expanding or introducing new possibilities into a world where many people are not techie savvy (Ahem, like CV for example?) or to warn people that yes, the Internet is convenient but should you really do your banking on line? Should you really open that connection in the airport or Starbucks without having your own little hotspot or closed network, a VPN? All you need is a little gizmo and voila! Your info is better protected. Should you make sure to have the best protection for your computers that can be gotten because even if it costs, identity theft costs more!
In addition, make sure you avoid opening any phishing emails, where it might seem vaguely familiar or oh, so important - but not sure - delete. ASAP. Do not fall for threats that your FedEx is closing or your bank is threatening you or your favorite godson is locked up in Turkey or some hick place here in the USA. And for heaven's sake, remember that phishing also comes in the variety of letters. We just received one which told us we owed - and were late - of close to $6,000 to a place where we did not even have a charge card! Because we keep track and have Lifelock, we went personally to the place and settled the issue. NEVER call the number given to you in an email or letter. Find the number on your own - back of card if there is one, physical location, or the service you should be having for safety sakes.
So, the latest vicious scam. There is a call claiming that the IRS plans to file a suit. The number the call is coming from is 202-470-3522
Remember, real information will come in a letter and read all the tiny print carefully and generally if it is fake, it will look very official but will have somewhere that this is not a governmental office.
We must be smarter than the average bear out there folks. Seniors are prime targets, particularly if one is not really knowledgeable at all about the computer and its benefits and flaws and the proper behavior when faced with these issues. Perhaps a meeting where people come in and have a lesson on what and how to react would be a good idea. Bring laptops, share with friends, come with good old paper and pen, type into a phone - but we must help our residents, not just verbally but with hands on help. We have already learned the consequences of pushing things off - let us not do the same things here.
Please read carefully and return this afternoon for another posting, G-d willing!
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