Tuesday, September 22, 2015


     David Israel is once again engaging in lies, half truths and insults. I knew his sudden change of behavior would not last long. He is incapable of doing anything else. So let us examine what he put forth on his blog.
    The "malcontents pressured" the Finance committee. Interesting. What we did was ask questions. Questions such as:
     1. How were we to pay for the road redo in the future?
     2. How much money we would need to add to the coupon and for how long, as a best guestimate.
     3. How could we insure that this money would be set aside for the roads and not be used for other items, thus leaving us in the hole - again - when the time came.
     4. We reminded the committee members how David Israel, Ed Black and Bob Marshall raped all the accounts at the time of the road job, leaving us, the Village, with $11,000 total in our accounts and how we needed to avoid that again.
     5. O'Brien was asked to answer how he arrived at his figures - from keeping a shortfall in our budget (bad news to do that), or adding a few more dollars to get a reserve of approximately $350,000 or a bit more and then get $700,000 in the reserve. What was really needed was $1,450,000 or so which would have meant an increase of $6 per coupon and then we would eventually have enough money for the roads.
     6.Dorothy suggested another way of figuring out costs which would have ameliorated the situation. Of course, D.I. refused, as usual.
     7. We then heard from David Israel that we had better not increase anything because WPRF  had asked for an increase of $8 for them alone, for such important things as  mural for the indoor pool, lighting for Duck Island, more decorative plants which seems to be recurring quite often and other such "important necessities".
     8. Our response is austerity - spend only what must and save the rest for the future necessities that we know are coming down the road, the sooner than later road.
     9. David Israel seems to have an allergy to saving and putting aside money and insulted those of us who think that saving and budgeting is the way to go. Evidently he must have grown up with money and never having had a family, never had to budget or plan for the future.  Too bad for him.Well, the rest of us did and do and know the truth.
     10. Once again, the only one who engaged in insulting talk was,......tada!..... David Israel. Nauseating, to tell the truth.
    11. The committee voted for an increase that was a compromise, one that can be lived with, though it will make the future harder as more money will have to be collected at that point. There was no zero increase unless we left a shortfall. That is the be all and end all of their financial planning.
     12. Once again they tried to put over the mish mash accounting despite most of the people there explaining how that is NOT a good idea to say the least.
     13. Actually they refuse to relinquish that system because they continue to wish to spend money however and on whatever they want without DA knowledge or approval.
    14. We maintain that this is part and parcel of the ongoing plan they have put into action to cut the DA out from all administrative capacity. That is the reason why we had a walkout last DA and perhaps a few more demonstrations, in whatever form, are needed. Perhaps the TV and papers would again be interested. Could be interesting.
     This man and his henchmen are dangerous. Read the posting directly below and all the others of recent days and understand what he has in mind for our future - no future! Time to go. Farewell, adieu, we love to see you go!

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