Sunday, September 27, 2015


     "Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences."  Robert Louis Stevenson
     We all do this. At some point during a day or the week, either while lying in bed or daydreaming at the pool or even taking a solo walk, we all do it. What? We all think about what will happen when we shuffle off the mortal coil. What will happen to our "stuff"? What will happen to the things that are around us? What will we actually leave behind that we take pride in and what will embarrass us?
     Another way of saying this is we wonder about our legacy. We wonder what our kids will think when they have to pack up our items and what they will find. So periodically we stop and wonder and ask our kids what they would like from our items, ask if they understand the beauty and importance of what we have collected and most of the time we get an answer that does not please us.
Evidently what we deem important and part of our life's work does not come across that way to them.
     So that is a mess we leave behind, but if we think a little harder, we will find that we do indeed leave behind a legacy, consequences, good ones, of things we have taught them, a philosophy that has been passed on to them, beliefs that follow ours, good people who will carry our name on down into the next few generations. So these consequences are good, important and the true value of life.
     But what about those consequences that we wish to hide, the ones that cause us great discomfort when we think about them. So what are they? They are the messes we leave behind. We see these messes in the large world around us. We see the disasters that all the leaders of the world cannot put to right, the Humpty Dumpty syndromes that they have so often fallen into. So we have 30,000 deluded people flocking into Syria to fight with ISIS while four million are fleeing the country. We have thousands, 250,000, killed and the number is rising but we are so busy trying to please Iran that we do not see the other facts around us till it is too late. And all the while China and Russia in the form of Putin are running circles around us.
     So the mess? Europe trying to absorb the people of a large part of two continents and there appears to be no end in sight and do not think we are exempt here in our country. We have Boehner quitting and leaving behind a true mess. We have insane Republicans who are more interested in causing trouble, proving a point, than in actually working to make the country sound and whole. Huh, sounds familiar here what with those people in power refusing to work well, if at all, with others. And what a mess they are leaving behind.
     The mess here is a Village, an official entity that will be left financially broken, physically destroyed, and weird exceptions as we will have fancy pools but no roads, repairs that will not be made but there will be decorative plantings around and on and on. We will have a legacy of repression and oppression and the mess, its causes, rest squarely on the shoulders of the current UCO and the ones they are grooming for the next,
     Proof in point, we are now going to have another multi job person - as our CAM. We already tried this once before with Rodger Carver and what a mess that left, what a disaster and he had his portion of the blame for the roads. WE now have an ever shrinking circle of "holy" people who will be allowed to function in UCO and other Village positions and consequently will have an ever growing circle of disasters happening and waiting to happen. We already have a VP who never has anything to say, a VP who ran the paper into the ground and now has her little protégé learning at her knees and just count how many articles he wrote for the October issue of The Rag. This is a paper? This is journalism? I think not. No, I know it is not. And now we find that if we criticize our so called officials we are violating all sorts of no-nos, unpatriotic, disrespectful - worse than if we criticize the president of the country! Just who do these people think they are?
     We have a mess with Sheffield O that still remains problematic. What will happen as he suffers financial loss? Who will he sell to? What will happen to the homeless so inappropriately placed here? What will happen here in the Village as we see more children and younger people living here on a permanent basis. Quite frankly, I bought here into a 55+ community and am not interested in changing that and neither are other people. Why does UCO not give classes or discussions or help groups about what to do to avoid ruining the associations and Village? Why? Because they care not and perhaps there are other reasons. Who knows as we are never told anything here.
     What are the messes left behind when the administration is opaque and run with secret meetings, puts the cart ahead of the horse such as the new security contract. We are told at a meeting that the contract is going back and forth between lawyers and then we are told in The Rag that it is a fait accompli. Are these people schizoid? Can they not keep things straight? Oh, the messes they leave behind - for us to clean up as they will eventually go their merry old way. Oh, the messes they leave behind as they act without thought of the Village and its needs. Oh the messes they leave behind when all they think of is their own needs and their ridiculous grasping at what they perceive to be "power".
     Oh the messes they leave behind as they throw no term limits at us, a perversion of the  philosophy of the village. Oh, the messes they leave behind as we get even closer to the end of the Millennium and we have done zero, squat, about it - no meetings, no REAL lawyer, no money to pay the attorneys we will need and so the mess that awaits us will be a twin match of those left behind.
     The only way we get out of this is to get rid of them ASAP and install newer, fresher people with the needs of the Village at heart and at this point I am even ready to at least look into a hired manager for us as the budgets and the needs are ever growing, the world is ever changing and it seems that many of those in positions cannot get a grip on anything in a positive and long term manner.
     Oh the messes that we all leave behind. We cannot solve the problems of the world and can  only possibly exert some say so on our elected officials to state and Federal bodies but we certainly can take responsibility for cleaning up and avoiding the messes here. As for our personal lives - that is up to the individuals! Good luck on that.

I will not be posting again until Tuesday nite or Wednesday morning but please use this time to scroll back and read postings that you have not read before.

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