Friday, September 25, 2015


       Went to a meeting of the Operations committee today  and left a bit before it was over as it ran a long time. Numbers were thrown about left and right and some I agreed with and others not. For example, I saw that there was $8000 allotted for the mural in the indoor pool. Other funds were approved that I believe should not have been but that is the way of the world, sometimes agree and other times not but what bothered me is that a large money action was taken without any prior knowledge of UCO or the residents and I am not sure if it was according to our agreements with WPRF or not.
     Perhaps the motivation was proper, for safety of the residents, but still, there is a process to be followed, a procedure and we cannot pick and choose what we will follow or will not as that leads to chaos or dictatorship or a combination of both. It does not matter if Eva has a great insurance reputation. That may be and I am prepared to accept it but there is still the process to be followed. And if we are worried about safety of our residents then I am wondering where is the fixing of the bench at the bus stop near my building which is wobbly, too low for people to sit down safely and separated by a big drop from the roadway and in the midst of rocks which are not exactly proper for balance for aged ankles.
     When we are quibbling about a dollar or two in the coupon for UCO I would like to know why we approve thousands of dollars for WPRF items without investigation. One example is the approval of over $11,000  for fours mics. Must be made of gold and while David Israel did not appear to be happy about the cost, he and his buddies approved it without asking for documentation of pricing and need.
     This is what happens in an administration that is too sure of itself and its power and this is what happens to the residents - they get screwed and all the pretty foliage will not help when we cannot make headway on the roadway because we have no funding for it, by quadrant or whatever.
     Our priorities are wrong. Our procedures are ignored. Our residents are ignored and we watch Joy Vestal turn into a sour old lady who never has anything pleasant to say unless it is about her little pet or her Rag. Time to go rest a bit for her. Get a little juice of human kindness back in her makeup.
     Time for us, here in the Village, to turf out the useless, the worn out, the tried and need a rest now characters and get in some fresh people who truly care about the Village and not about their own position or influence. Think about that tonite.

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