Monday, November 9, 2015


    The truth is out there and the search for it engaged Scully and Mulder and all he rest of the TV and movie heroes for years. Even the guys and gals on the island in Lost were searching for the truth and the problem is that the search gets so complicated that when it is found, no one understands it at all, so complex has it become. And that really is the truth about the truth, that it is difficult at times to comprehend but we must keep on striving to find it, to live by it and work with it.
     So what is the truth in the world of today. Frankly, I am stumped. We have officials, elected representatives in localities, at the state level and federal as well, yet it seems that the rights and interests of the little people are being ignored. We have returned to a time of extremes when the interests of special classes are rated as more worthy than those of others. The fatcats rule the roost again, the extremists who give themselves strange names trying to sound patriotic, like the Tea Party or the Freedom Caucus are really despots in the making and in disguise - not very good disguises at that - and make deep use of rhetoric and circular logic when asked to explain their views and reasons for voting as they do. That is the reason why Stew wants explanations for votes, so that the people can see and understand the reasoning of these elected officials here in the Village and then the voters can decide if they really still want them elected or appointed as their reps. Those who vote because their master has told them to are the ones who fight giving reasons for what can they say? The truth? That their master has so instructed them or that they vote in fear of losing their validation in life, their little job for UCO? Shameful indeed.
     What we can see is that this hiding of the truth, this coverup, takes place in the larger world out there and motivations are hard to understand. Perhaps David Israel once upon a time actually had good motives, good reasons, honest intentions, but the "power" has gone to his head and he is no longer trustworthy. This is no different than the lack of trust in leaders in Asia, in Africa, who used democracy and free votes to get into  office and then when their terms were up, they cancelled term limits - sound familiar? - and made themselves ruler for life. David to a T!
     Now David is using another excuse to remain in office. Quite frankly, I believe that if he could cancel voting and declare for life he would do that, but now he is relegated to simply claiming that HE IS THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF BEING PRESIDENT - FOREVER! Well, I and many others vehemently disagree and there are many places out there for allegedly mentally ill self declared kings but no room at the inn here in the Village for that.
     Are we misunderstanding the truth of his motivations? Could be? Doubt it. But look at Putin. Is this a man who is only out to self aggrandize or is he thinking of his country and just taking advantage of the opportunities it affords him. Is he the only leader in the world truly brave enough to say enough of these Moslem extremists and go after them, come hell or high water, or is he trying to expand his country's reach - or both? Should he be condemned for one and praised for the other? Yet on he forges, giving the finger to the world.
     Perhaps we need strong rulers for the one in office now has become a doormat to the world, wishy-washy in decisions and thus leading us nowhere in his years in office. Do we need dictators here in the USA? No, definitely not, nor do we need them here in CV, but we do need officials with backbone AND honesty AND altruistic motivation.  Where oh where are we going to find that - be it in the federal elections for President or here in CV? I am not optimistic about either situation for too many people are too fixed in their beliefs, too rigid, and too blind to look past their noses. And too selfish as well.
     Yesterday we saw a Native American production dealing with folklore, old traditions or ways and their meanings and one message came through loud and clear. That message was that the things we give to others, with generosity and open heart, with no venial motivation behind it, those are our legacy for they are given with a clear and true love, to be shared with others and not for power or praise.
     Perhaps we need to share that message with a whole lot of other people, beginning with one David Israel, Ed Black, Jackie Karlin, Joy Vestal, etc., etc., etc. Food for thought.
     On the way out the door to LAX for flights home. Not looking forward to the long legs of flight and the layovers. Air travel has become complex and annoying. But the visits are worth it.

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