Pick up any paper from anywhere round the world and read the differing stories. Read two versions of the same incident and then wonder, well, how do we know who is telling the truth? How do we know the right course to choose based on these versions? It is not easy, but it is a choice that is being made all over the world, in big countries and small, in states and villages, here in the USA and here in the Village.
Is Russia the aggressor in the Crimea and Ukraine or are they justified in reuniting a piece of lost land? Are the Ukrainians right or wrong for after all, these are man made borders outlining countries that never actually were before, certainly not in the Tsarist Russia or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So who is right or wrong?
Is the labelling of certain items that come out of Israel an anti - Semitic act or is it someone seeking justice? If so, then why are products coming out of occupied Cyprus or Morocco's held territories or even the Native American reservations not necessarily labeled or shunned?
What is the matter with all the Republican candidates. I, and many others, were hungry for a choice amongst them, yet look around and seek in vain. We cannot choose Trump and his hate mongering for remember, pick on one group and sure as shootin' another group of victims will follow right along, a vicious choo choo train! The demeaning of women, the attacks on social programs, the special treatment for the wealthy - what is the real deal here? And yet when we turn to the Democrats we also shudder. Clinton? Uh, what about all the issues with Benghazi or perhaps she was unfairly blamed for lacks in the head of government and other people. Perhaps she does have the strength to be President of the United States and will have the ability to stand tall and tough and at least she supports the social programs that are of such necessity in a country where more and more are falling into hunger and homelessness, despair rampant in many areas of our country.
And what about right here in the Village? There are currently two purported papers being published and distributed here. One is supposedly the official paper of the Village UCO, supposed to be giving information current and of importance to the residents, swearing in every issue to report on both sides of an issue. Yet this paper has turned into a commercial rag, using its former reputation to sell ads, the seemingly stated goal of the editors and for sure they do not allow both sides or neutral reporting and of late have cut out even letters to the editor.
On the other hand, we have the CV Messenger which welcomes articles and letters and prints the truth, that being hidden or ignored by many in UCO and certainly by the RAG. yet there are people who do not like this paper for they feel it encourages dissent and disharmony and they wish to have that in their declining years. Well, excuse me!
Who to believe? David Israel sits there in his backroom and shouts out about the awfulness of his opponents, lumping them all together in one big target, and the target of all his lies. Yet there is dissent and disagreement amongst his opponents - as there should be - for that is America! And if one goes back a bit in time one can pull up the statements of David Israel and Ed Black supporting term limits, even one where David Israel criticizes what he has now become - an autocrat and G-d knows how little we need one of those, be it here, in the country at large or in the world at large. Or we can go back in time to find the support he and others of his camp gave to Phyllis as a VP. "Hi all,The following is forwarded by Phyllis Richland. Your BLOGMEISTER supports Phyllis for VP 100%.
Dave Israel
You see, it is hard to separate truth from lies when one twists it all up, yet the truth is there and can be found - hence the quotes from "the enemy".
Phyllis is asking why cannot we all work together for the sake of the Village, and is running for office, for the Village and for the residents rather than against, for the previous harmful nonsense once in office will all be gone, its enablers gone as well and all that will be left will be those who support the Village and want the best for it, those who look to the future and see the truth and not what they can get out of it for themselves. There will be other good people announcing runs for positions so be alert to them and understand why the need for change from what we now have.
So read everything - for in reading there is knowledge and truth and also the recognition of the Big Lie and those fascists who use that tool in order to push their agenda, be it a country or a Village. There are so many more important issues in the world today be it climate changes and what awaits us now and in the near future or peace in an ever ongoing seemingly hopeless quest or fighting the hatred that seems to inundate the world or the wars that seem never to stop and indeed grow every day with news of more conflict. Let us settle the issues here properly, with decency and fairness right here in our home and then we can go on to help others and to vote for the right people, those who offer hope for the future. Who are they? Aside from Phyllis here in the Village you got me stumped! Am looking for answers the same as you.
And in the ongoing viciousness in Israel, where Israel is being blamed for killing the attacker - as we did in California - here are the latest statistics and please remember that attacks are being thwarted every day, multiple time a day.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 24 dead, 229 wounded, 83 in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue and we wait to hear of the life and death situation of the latest victim.
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