Monday, December 21, 2015


     "I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared...."
     While I disagreed often with the person who stated the above, I agree with her here. It is most important to verbalize what one feels, to speak up, out, for, against whatever it is that is important to oneself. Silence is often the coward's way out, the path chosen by those of moral bankruptcy, the path chosen by those who agree with the evil done yet are afraid to be public about it. Silence allows for no room to talk, discuss and come to an understanding; it leaves room only....for silence.
     David Israel has declared an all out scorched earth policy war against those who oppose him and his policies, his actions in the Village that have led to a condition of hatred, of repression, of a surreal atmosphere of fear, of fascistic rule in a democratic country which is supposed to be an example for the world. In his declaration of war he has included institutions outside the Village, an enlargement of his megalomaniacal need for power, power and more power. He and his have threatened or intimidated area stores, banks, etc. so they will not display the CV Messenger. Thankfully, most have withstood this campaign of intimidation and have actually asked for more copies. Even as the Rag goes unread and into the garbage.
     What is even worse, is that David Israel and his crew have declared war on ANY institution which displeases him and uses any and all tools he can find to further this war of his. The latest victim is the synagogue Aitz Chaim  right outside the gates, across the street on Haverhill. Because it has twice allowed a banner for an opponent of his, people who were searching for a place to display their name as they were shut out of the Village, because of this, David Israel has sicced governmental entities on them though it must be said that these government officials are  understanding and cooperative in working with the synagogue. Thank you.
     But this is a step, no, a mile, way beyond the Pale. It is time for those of his crew who detest these actions to speak up and disavow David's actions. Never do I expect that of Ed Black nor do I expect a mea culpa from David, for he believes that always, he is right, but I certainly am disappointed in the silence of the others.
     Barbara Cornish - where is your mouth now? Toni Salometo - same question. I know you can speak out and have done so before, so now? Dom Guarnagia - you know Gerry so is this a proper thing to do, to attack the synagogue where he is president, to attempt to destroy it. Fausto, Herb - where are you? Don Foster - are you silent here, you who took offense when someone spoke to you in a manner you found offensive at a meeting and took the person to task. You - where are you in this incident? Joy - now that is useless, huh? Myron Silverman - active in Anshei Sahlom - how can you be silent? Think you are immune from this hatred and strategies? You are not and should have learned from history that you are not. John Hess, will you stop grinning as you see the nastiness of this behavior of your boss - and say something! Ruth Dreiss - is this what your husband, one of the first presidents of the Village, would like and admire? And I can go on and on - Jackie Karlin - where is your mouth now? Anita, and the rest of you. Silence is not golden here, most definitely not.
     Stand up and condemn your lord and master for these actions or be smeared with the same brush. Silence from supposedly good citizens is what makes evil surmount all. Is that what you wish? Is that what you believe should be running UCO and the Village? Do we have a rule here that what benefits David is over and above all? Do we have the rule of Animal Farm where all animals are equal except that pigs are more equal than others? Sorry, that does not work here. NEVER! Is this what Phyllis deserves? All of you know how much time and hard work she has given to the Village so is this what comes of it?
     For those of you who are still catching up on this issue, please scroll down to the two articles that preceded this one, go to Phyllis's blog, or Gary's and read of this dastardly action, inexcusable action, of David Israel. Read it and then weep for our Village. Watch for a special edition of the CV Messenger.
     "I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity."
     We will not be silent.

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