Monday, December 7, 2015


     Democracy. Accountability. Transparency. Obedience to the law. These, my friends, are the four horsemen of good government or administration. The good leader, the proper leader, will insure that these four principles are strictly adhered to at all times, no excuses, no "emergencies".
     Compare that to what we now have here in CV. I believe it is the perfect opposite. Democracy? Uh uh! That would mean free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom to work in UCO and positions around the Village. Sadly lacking, is it not, and remember, this was all here, guaranteed and actively working until guess who came into office and was so desperate to remain in office that he struck democracy off the list. You guess!
     Accountability and transparency go hand in hand. Without having to face up to the electorate, without having to justify one's actions in the name of the residents and their welfare, one must have transparency. That means that all is conducted in the open, no secret meetings or deals, no contracts signed off in the dark someplace, no UCO dealings going on when the doors are closed and no one allowed in. And one must be able to justify one's actions. Why was that done? Why was that vote taken and why did the people vote that way and indeed, why are the same people voting again and again on the same issue? Where is the democracy? Where is the transparency? Where is the accountability? Not there at all!
     Finally we have obeying the law, abiding by the rules and regulations of , in this case, UCO. Well, that is so flagrantly violated that it appears to be a joke to them. If a rule gets in the way, why just ignore it, trample right over it. Robert's Rules? Hell, no! Too bothersome. Let us just pretend when it works for us and when it does not, just ignore it. Good of the order? Hell no again. Let us run a campaign to shut it down. Too much information going out to the residents. It will confuse them. Appointments to vacant seats? Okay if it works for us and if not, why, just cancel it. And we can go on all day and all night with the wrongs and errors of this UCO administration led by the liar himself, David Israel and his puppetmaster, Ed Black.
     To add to it all, they have now resorted to the sudden and one sided closed door decision to raise the bar on money approval. Now it is $5,000 and they are looking for $25,000 limits. Are they out of their mind? Sadly, no for they know they can manipulate anything for this is their UCO, not ours at all. And not ever again unless we get them gone.
     Discussions with good CEOs are always enlightening. The NY Times has such interviews every Sunday in the business section. To a one, all these executives stress the need for diversity, for brainstorming, for recognizing the value of opposition and its push and impetus forward that it gives to the company. These leaders emphasize respect for co workers, the avoidance of factions wherein one group gets preference - and indeed  gets monopolies within the company - hello, UCO!! It is to insure that the decisions made are best for the company, or the residents in our case, rather than good only for the maintenance of power of the individual.
     The leader is to set an example for the others and unfortunately we do have that here. This "leader" lights the way with black Satan candles. Always the selfish way, always the way guaranteed to hurt the residents, always the wrong way. Always we are on that "slippery slope" about which he insists on babbling, even as he goes by on his rear end on that same slope.
     Process and procedure in a sane and balanced manner are nowhere in sight or in use. The maligning of others, the determination to shut down all others - witness his face when he heard that the CV Messenger Club is holding meetings in the medical building. Why? Because they are very limited within the Clubhouse so here is another arena to add to the mix. Well, David Israel plans to go after that. David, watch the show via ROKU about the Man in the High Castle and the struggle of Americans under the thumb of Fascists and how so many Americans adapted so quickly to the rules and to their new masters. Must of had you and yours in mind as the comparison is quite clear. The only thing missing is the physical torture! I know you do not like this comparison as the world wide web and 200 million people read of it, but again, shoes and feet and proper fitting? Remember that wise old saying?
      Take a look around you. See the chaos you have wrought. See the dictatorship you have created? Proud of oneself? You talk of legacies? Well, dear Davey, hate to tell you, but your legacy will be one of incompetence, of hatred, of repression, of ruinous financial practices, of nearly destroying the whole CVWPB. It will be the lesson as to how to NOT do things, how to leave behind only shame and weeds, rather than flowers and kind words of remembrance. People will dance when we are thru with you, David Israel, and your childish but harmful behavior, your inane hatred of others who oppose you, your attempts to keep them out and shut them down - all will prove useless in the final bottom line of life. Deal with that. Live with it as your legacy. Not so pretty is it?
Total in Israel for October, November, December:  24 dead, 221 wounded, 83 in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue

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