Sunday, December 27, 2015


           So he has gone and done it - announcing his candidacy for president - again - for the fourth term. Not a surprise as he has stated so many times that he is the only one qualified to fill that role here in the Village. What a crock!!!!
     And his qualifications? Let me count them  - nasty temper, pro at intimidation skills and usage, excellent skill at getting rid of any and all opposing factors, horrific fiduciary skills though he pats himself on the back for them and on and on.
     He states that we are slowly but surely gaining reserve money and then goes on to decimate it when he states what it includes, so much so, that in fact, we will be walking on lovely rutted dirt roads before we have money to repave, or treat the developing holes and possible sinkholes properly or the walkway or do anything else in this Village.
     He boasts of a relationship with WPRF and the wonderful things they have done. Yup!! We give them money for costly mics, for murals we do not need, for planned restructuring of office layouts, the better to keep the residents away from the workers and here too we have an enormous list.
     We would like to see a real to life list of what will be happening in the future and not a pie in the sky eco green UCO and Village - not when we cannot even clean our water after years of money and not this garbage Wi Fi again when we are already WI Fi'ed for those who wish it and those who do not - their choice and even if their building has it they do not have to use it.
     Our reserves are not building up properly. Our infrastructure is shattering and crumbling. Our comraderie is almost non existent as David Israel sets the nasty tone, the abrupt firing of volunteers and the hypocritical constant begging for volunteers - just look at Barbara Cornish's article where she pleads for volunteers. Yet who can volunteer? You practically have to sign a loyalty oath to the Lord and Master,.
     Oh, forgot - suddenly this man has become the religious arbiter of the Village. He who has had nothing to do with religion since forever. He who sits in that room of his communing with the only friend he has - his computer , or Ed Black or Bob Marshall, the only two human friends he has, if that. Everyone else just likes to suck up for their jobs and titles.
     Anyway, my dear self made rabbi, let us go to the Bible for a little advise on how to run an administration. When G-d wished to have Moses give a message he did not sent a telex, a telegram, an email an IM or anything else. He sent it FACE TO FACE, the way people are meant to communicate in such powerful moments. In today's world, when the leaders of countries have to talk over issues in an important manner, such as the climate or peace talks, they meet and talk with people, not via Skype or FaceTime. So get with the program. Come out and meet and face the people and not just in a few two and three minute bursts in the Forum. Why not a debate - oh, I forgot, you are too cowardly to do so. Learned that from my run.
     So once again, we have a RAG loaded down with ads, very few articles of use to our residents, a sop to the Village in publishing Linda Graff's article, old news already so no news here and a letter from Honey Sager after embarrassing one of the hardest workers in the Village dedicated to keep the Village the way it was, not the horrific paths into which it is falling.
     And then of course, we have the shills that go out to spread the David Israel gospel, like Peter Cruise who besides being a fool is a nasty foul mouthed or should I say foul fingered person, Elaine Brown who calls me toxic - kinda' take pride in that! and who cannot write properly to save her life or write anything of value and of course, Lanny Howe, the blowhard who also says nothing but does so in better language.
     All this and all we have to do to change this is to vote Phyllis Richland in and any other candidates who oppose the awful years and policies of David Israel and who know that we have hard work to do and must get started on it NOW.
     Oh, and how nice for you to take up my campaigning for an austerity budget. I have stated that need time and time again in meetings, written of it on the blog and now suddenly you are taking up that cudgel! Really? Giving money to WPRF that should not be given, mushing things together so the residents do not have any idea of where their money is going, claiming to save paper by doing that - are you for real? Austerity is spending where it is needed and even possibly growing the budget where it is needed - but only if it is needed and not into the stomachs of UCO officers or the walls and ceilings of the Clubhouse and any other stupidities or non essential items that can be held off and for example - the post Millennium funding - pretty pathetic wouldn't you say? And where are the plans to gather opinions and ideas from the residents? Nowhere in sight, as usual, for you care naught for anything they have to way or what they think.
     Late already as we have plans for this morning but not to worry. Will be back later for an open letter to ......Take a guess.

Total in Israel for October, November, December:  26 dead, 262 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even  Palestinians are  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.

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