Thursday, December 24, 2015


     "What, me worry?" Remember that mantra of our generation via Mad Magazine? Different world, different time, as even as we fought the Cold War and had nuclear attack drills in school or faced off with Cuba's Castro, we did have an optimism, a hope, a dream, a certainty that a better world was on its way and hence, when we grew up it was so easy to turn into protesters, into hippies with flowers and beads and then into disappointment and even bitterness when we realized the truth of the matter.
     Today, I am afraid that the answer to the title question is, "Yes, you had better worry for the world is a dangerous place." Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to spend lots of time with various people from my previous life - students, parents and classmates. Lots of laughter, lots of shock at what happened to some people, pride in families and achievements and lots of uncertainty.
     At first, hesitantly, someone would venture the opinion that he/she was truly worried for the first time about survival, the survival of a people, not just themselves. And we all confessed that we had the same thoughts and were worried for the world of our children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren. Beyond that we could not think.
     So Angela Merkel is accepting millions of people alien to the prevalent culture. Now do not get me wrong; I have my own demons with regard to Germany, but what is happening there is national suicide. It is impossible for the countries of Europe to accept the transfer of countries into other countries en masse, with a huge clash of values, behavior and thinking. When classes have to be held to teach new immigrants that a woman is not to be grabbed if she is alone, or wearing clothing that does not enshroud her, well, then there is something wrong and when I viewed a newsclip of Shariah police, in semi uniform, patrolling the late nite streets of Wuppertal, Germany, then yes, I worry. And no, I do not disagree with a rescue of true and pure refugees but I am not sure that applies here as many are migrants, rather than refugees, and are looking for better economic situations, like jobs. Well, if that is the case, then there is a process for that.
     And what else? Well, when the head of the UN tells Israel it "breeds" terror, when the victims are blamed for their deaths and for the shooting of their attackers, when the few incidents of Jewish extremism are equated with the worldwide acts of murderous and large scale terrorist acts of Moslem extremists, when the outcry of Israelis and Jews around the world are loud and clear in their disapproval of these extremists, when the billions of Moslems around the world are silent - well, what else is there to do but worry?
     And the piece de resistance for the worry situation is that old canard of dual loyalty hung around the collective necks of the Jewish people. The smell, the rank odor, of America in the '30's, the era of signs of NO JEWS OR DOGS ALLOWED, the covenants against selling to Jews, the disregard of Jewish heroism by soldiers, denied their Medal of Honor because they were Jewish, that rank and nasty odor now is beginning to permeate the world and our own home country and even place of living.
     The sad thing is that Jewish people go along with the resurgent PC feeling and action of anti - Semitism, and make no mistake, anti Zionism and anti Israel statements and rallies are a crock of human excrement. It is all anti Jewish and that is seen in the attacks against them all over the world. And right here in CV we have a Jew who regrets that he ever was born one, who sics governmental authorities upon a synagogue so as to get rid of these bothersome fleas and to progress in his efforts to maintain a fascistic regime in the Village. And why not, for the State Department of the USA, a known festering ground of anti Semites for lo these many a years - from unknowns, to Breckinridge Long to Dulles to everyday people to the Arabists that populated it - and till today when Jewish people are suddenly being accused of "dual loyalty" - to Israel and the United States and therefore are intrinsically untrustworthy - the State Department fosters these very feelings. What next? Out of all governmental jobs, university jobs - which, by the way, are getting harder and harder and the applicants are being told to hide their Jewishness!
     When a dentist who wished to offer services to a Defense Department dental center was denied that right because he had relatives living in Israel and thus his loyalty was questioned, well, that should make all stand up and feel those antennaes rise up and quiver and shake. Are we going to question all Italians? Germans? Sudanese and Somalis? All Malaysians? All hyphenated American citizens?
     And will the USA soon start to abandon and cull out the athletes who wish to participate in national and international events if they are Jewish? It is happening all over the world. Malaysia just barred Israel from displaying its flag at the windsurfing meet and certainly no anthem of theirs will be played should they win, a likely event. Soccer, other Arab countries and other voices are rising in a strident manner - there was even a rally in Sweden where the chants were, "Kill the Jews" but what to expect in a country where the Foreign Minister is a dyed in the wool Nazi, a vehement Jew hating Israel baiting person.
     What, me worry? Oh yes I do, a lot, with real reason behind it. What, me worry? Oh yes, when people do not wake up, when people are still digging holes in the sand with their heads. What, me worry? Yes, when the clamor of anti Jewish feelings and actions, of attempts, and many successful, to cut off Israelis and Jews from positions, from organizations are so plentiful, rife with the stink of hatred. What, me worry? Oh yes, oh yes and especially when there are Israelis and Jews, misguided, hopelessly naïve, blind, to the fact that they are cooperating in the campaign against them and do not realize that yes, they too should worry for they too will be swept up in that wave of hate and bloodlust. Yesterday someone put a yellow star!!!!! the symbol of the Holocaust, on people with the JUDE off and "Moslem" inserted, so that people can understand???? the meaning of "other". Really? When they are the majority of the population of the world? When they are the ones committing murder and mayhem, spilling blood and even killing their own because they pray in a slightly different manner like Sunni and Shiite or vs the Yazidis and of course, kill the Bahai and the Christians in Arab lands for how dare they worship anyone other than Allah and Mohammed, forgetting that Allah is just another name for G-d, a G-d that belongs to all of us in our own manner of choosing. No one has a monopolistic hold on G-d.
     The point is made. The answer is, "Yes, I worry - and so should you." And check below for the latest rising count as two more Israelis are wounded and two die. Worry? Yes, indeed.

And sadly I have to report another attack with there more seriously wounded.
And finally, I have been keeping count of the results of the terror attacks in Israel -And in the ongoing viciousness in Israel, where Israel is being blamed for killing the attacker - as we did in California - here are the latest statistics and please remember that attacks are being thwarted every day, multiple times a day.

Total in Israel for October, November, December:  26 dead, 258 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even  Palestinians are  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.

And do not forget the14 more, not from Israel, not living in any "settlement' in Israel, just Jews going about their business, daring to go to synagogue - and for their actions - 14 members of the Jewish community of Bonneuil-sur-Marne are poisoned by a toxin  applied to the keypad lock of the synagogue.

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