Sunday, January 3, 2016


     A note before you read. This entry is long. It is from my heart and soul and my brain as well. Please have the patience to read it through. Thank you.
     People are scared. They are confused. They are bombarded with news of new wars and old, barbarity and savagery right out of the Middle Ages and visions of a barren Earth where people scavenge for a sip of water and the air is deprived of oxygen and the land of trees. Nothing seems to be going right and the movie visions of a world where the 1% live above and separate from all the woes and ills of the world seem to be visions of a nightmare world coming true.
     So people seek a solution and most important,  they seek a leader, one who will take the burdens that oppress them onto his/her own shoulders and let them live on in ignorance and peace. They look for a strong leader, a master, an in loco parentis, and an excuse to drop out of the noise of the world and let someone else deal with it. George Eliot, in one of her books stated, "Our position is altered; the right course is no longer what it was before."
     So is that what drives people now? The seeking for a new course, the one course and pathway that will save them, the one leader who will be the Savior? And yet, all this burrowing under the sheets or choosing the head in the sand approach or the helpless one which seeks a strongman and goes along with a "leave me alone" attitude - what do we gain from this as nothing seems to improve and indeed, it is rather the opposite that takes place.
     Neither is this a local phenomena or a restricted one. All will and are being caught up in a violence and a hatred that permeates the world. Anti - Semitism is worse than it has been since the Holocaust. A well known literary figure and film producer in France, a survivor of the Holocaust, says she has a renewed dread about Jewish life in Europe and "believes that the lessons of WWII are not being forgotten, because 'these lessons were never learned'."  She reduced a TV interviewer to dead silence when she  asked, "Do you believe the French would have gone into the streets if only Jews had been killed?" Silence.
     And yet the world persists in using the three monkeys as an example for life even as Pope Francis warns the world that the "enemy of peace is not merely war...but indifference that makes one think only of himself and creates barriers, suspicions, fears and closure." And yet, are not most of us indifferent to that which affects others and not us, thinking that we are immune to the evils of the world - and yet, we are not immune.
     So what do we get for our troubles? Naught but more trouble and a burgeoning growth of petty dictators, of men of the caliber of Erdogan of Turkey who uses Hitler as an example of good government, the idea of the strongman rule, the rule that he is trying to impose on Turkey as he destroys the principles of Ataturk who brought Turkey out of the darkness of the Ottoman Empire into a modern world filled with hope and possibilities. We get a renewed publishing of Mein Kampf, the worst book ever published in the history of the world and we get PC behavior. We get fear of telling the truth and no one but no one either sees the naked Emperor or has the courage to say it aloud.
     Robert South, an English churchman of the late 16th and early 17th centuries, said, "All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and a falsehood passing from words into things." And we, the people of the world, allow this to happen and make excuses, reasons to allow it to continue, how others know best and we are only small ignorant people, or people too busy to bother with ruling the world or too old and just want to be left alone, or too young so either we are told that we do not know anything or are so convulsed by revulsion of the mess of the world given to us that we rebel madly, almost insanely and even that rebellion often turns false and bitter.
     And think not that this is a large world problem only, for it is not. The same feelings of fear, of PC behavior, of ennui and apathy, of excuses and more excuses, of being a minion to hang onto someone's tail and thus gain some leavings for your own aggrandizement - all this is in the miniature as well and well we can see that right here in the Village and that is why I fight. That is why I write.
     Yes, David Israel and his minions have created much havoc in our world. They have lost us millions of dollars, taken us down the path towards near bankruptcy and we were saved only by the hard efforts and straight financial acts of Dorothy Tetro who opposed and exposed the chicanery and manipulations of funds by UCO. They have indeed made grievous errors and need to go for that alone, but errors can be forgiven, particularly if accidental or human or there are signs of learning and improvement, but there are not. We can only hope that any future UCO administration will do better and work with them as they make errors - for to err is human, BUT, the worst thing about the current UCO administration is the reason why I fight, why I yell, why I write and why, I believe so many people even around the world read my blog though Heaven alone knows how they even find it! But they do and read it they do and hopefully think about it - as well as get some laughs.
     The reason? Simple. These people of UCO are dictators and would be rulers for life. They offend the very air of the country where they live, the country that epitomizes democracy, trust in the little man, trust in the people, not the "ruling class" or the nabobs of industry. It is a country where people are urged to take part, make a difference and ALL are welcomed. And we should emulate them and remember the principles of democracy rather than ignore them, repress them, deny them. It sickens me unto the soul as I see their behavior. Agatha Christie said, "...your soul is revealed by your actions." I believe this is true and the souls of these people are dark with sins committed against the people of the Village. They stand for repression and dictatorship, for the death of democracy, for the death of the Constitution. I care not whether they will go out of the Village - as they have recently done - or remain only in the village with their villainous ways and deeds for it is all the same - wrong, wrong, wrong - and offensive to my soul and it should be to your soul as well.
     And to those who have sold their souls, afraid to speak up or walk away or fight against - shame on you, for you, whether you call yourself a patriot or not, a true American - are emphatically not. An American does not allow repression, the violation of rights, the intimidation as part and parcel of government, the grasping of the reins of power - all the reins - into the hands of one master who makes no attempt to hide his plans as he grooms others to follow his path after he is gone and boasts that only he can govern, can administer the Village for he is the one who knows it all.
     Mistakes I can accept and when a new administration comes in we are free to critique for errors, to voice our opinions, for they will be solicited, but repression demands answers and responses, a movement to defeat it. Here and everywhere and that is why we must vote carefully in November as well, choosing a sane and knowledgeable person, one who showed up for work, who knows life, who withstood hard times, who has had experience in both the domestic and foreign world, who can stand up to foreign leaders yet who can also deal with them. It is not an easy job. I think people are nuts to want that position, but there it is. The choices we have to make - here and out there. Come, think, and think again, soul search and see if you understand of what I wrote. I am going to open the blog up for comments, not to be published until I have read them, for I refuse to pass on the filth that comes from a certain dark corner, but I would love to hear what you think, here in the Village, in the USA and out there in the world. I have shared my state of mind with you. I hope it finds a kinship with yours.

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