Wednesday, February 24, 2016


     Adages are bits of truth and folk wisdom that often give just the right bite or emphasis that is needed. Every time I write of the Village, criticize the policies and actions and results of David Israel, his overwhelming tendencies to the dictatorial and oppressive, the adoption of the themes and principles of Fascism, I think of "if the shoe fits....". He denies what is there for all to see and to his lies we add the blind, morally and mentally challenged followers, that small group who do his every bidding and who swear by him as the new version of a Holy Book. Quite frankly, I really do not care what the duped feel, for he is unprincipled, immoral, rude and crude in his behavior and statements and verges allegedly quite often on the criminal, perhaps even steps over the line with his admitted vandalism of private property, his boasting of it, and perhaps even financial malfeasance for look how hard he fights against a forensic accounting of UCO's budgets and spending. Where has all the money gone? Only David knows and no one else if he continues to have his way. He boasts of his skills and knowledge with computers but dear Lord above, so do many other people. This plaint is becoming dated and old, so old.
     We cannot believe what he says for time and time again he has been proven to lie. Oh, the roads are wonderful he maintained until he had to admit that it was not really such a good job and we would have to redo sooner. Now during election time these very same roads seem to have morphed into great roads once more according to the know it all. Guess all the ever growing and ever widening cracks, the piles of  sand and pebbles that keep growing as well as the road separates into its components, the ever growing ponds and lakes after rains - guess all that is really not there, huh?
     But the worst of all in my opinion is his resemblance to and with dictators of the world. Let us take a look. So today Elaine Brown admits that David is not really a people person, hiding away from the residents in his lair and speaking to them only when?  During election time. So why is that? Because he, as with all dictators, cannot abide society, cannot abide others, cannot abide nor deal with opposition, so they keep themselves away from the public and thus hope to control their damaged personalities and thinking from leaking out.
     How do they plan for the future? Here is one theme of theirs, one policy. "There are some absolutely disgusting people running for the Executive Board.  Look at some on Gary's recommended list on his moron blog." This from one of his main spokesmen. Yes, this is a principle governing factor in his political life and quite frankly, he has no other life excepting the connection to his clothes buyer ad his sycophants, the usual parasites who hang on to a shark. The man is a misanthrope and a misogynist. He behaves in a grossly disgusting manner towards all who dare to challenge him, screams, rants, throws real great toddler tantrums, has an egocentric world of a toddler and breaks rules left and right as it suits him. His principles of people dealings? Just look at the stressed line above and you got it all.
     And now let us venture further afield, into the real world, realpolitik to be sure. Let us try on the shoes that fit. So, no term limits please he states and demands. No return of those halcyon days of yore. Just like Evo Morales of Bolivia who also has violated the  term limits rule and is now wishing to go on to his seventh and eight years. hmm. Ringing any bells yet?
     Or how about President Xi of Communist China who walks around with an adoring coterie and literal circle of adoring and fawning newsmen, if we dare to use that term for them. One even read and recited a paean of praise that he had written for Xi. Nauseating, violating all the principles of journalism and yet, the ring of familiarity seems to peal away. Anyone hear the names of David Israel and Joy Vestal? Of Myron Silverman? Of Lanny Howe? Excuse me while I throw up.
     Back again. More? Want more? Okay, how about all the tinpot dictators of African Republics who fight and slaughter and the comparison to our Dear Leader who cannot slaughter physically - at this point anyway - but who slices people's hearts and souls with his curses and tirades. How about his resemblance to the line of Dear Leaders of North Korea who sit and watch while their people starve and struggle, who slaughter family members with panache for they suspect all who come into their sight or into the sphere of their knowledge. Does David Israel not do the same thing when he throws people under the bus? When he tosses people out from positions unless they are 100% loyal to him?
     How about the resemblance to Abbas who is now in the eleventh year or is it the twelfth of a four year elected term! How many more years are we to suffer under the harsh rule of King David, the self made king? How many more lies, inefficiencies, incompetent behavior, poor and damaging contracts are we to suffer. How many more years do we have before he totally destroys our home, he and his henchmen.
     Il Duce would be proud. All dictators would be proud. And the good people cringe even as his lies and nonsense continue. And I ask again? How, if one truly had such an oh so important role to play in NSA, how could that person be so open and boastful of it when it is a commonly known fact that people who work in intelligence, particularly people who are important and of high rank, NEVER tell of this. NEVER. Yet here we are, oh so blessed by the savior of us all after 9/11, he who designed anti terrorist protocols because eight years after he left and for all the years before no one else ever thought of these things so a tired old man was recalled! Believe that and man, I have a bridge and a tunnel and another few bridges to throw into the sale just for you!
     If the shoe fits.... A true leader is one who knows how to work with others. Who can take criticism. Who has new and fresh ideas and does not get stuck in the old and passe and tired muck of one idea which is no longer valid. Who has a 360 degree world view rather than an astigmatic one which focuses only on him, him, him. The scary picture of Mark Zuckerberg strolling triumphantly thru an entire audience plugged in with their eyes covered and looking into a machine which gave them a different reality - frightening indeed. One can see the science fantasy of old becoming the horrific science fact and reality of today. David Israel too wants us to believe in a different reality, one that does not exist anywhere other than in his mind. His views are deadly yet dull. They are trite and old. They are anti society and anti humanity. They transcend and violate every rule of law as it applies to us here in the Village and violate all principles of trust even as they foist poor contracts and twisted changes, secret changes, in by laws, all to maintain their positions.
     Not IF the shoe fits, for people, the shoe fits and it is time to get new ones. The shoes of this next president need to be ones headed into the proper path, with righteous thinking, feet shod with care for others, with concern for the right things, for the correct procedures, for a rule or administration of law, for an open door policy, for transparency and honesty. These are the shoes of Phyllis Richland.
     How much longer will people blind themselves to the fact that if one has no morals, if one has no dignity, nor treats any other people with dignity - that is not a leader, that is not a president and he must go. I shudder at a future that could possibly encompass a Trump nationally and two more years of David Israel locally. Shudder! Shudder!

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