Monday, March 21, 2016


     There obviously is a great deal of interest and concern about the censorship of the library contents and that can be told or seen by the heavy numbers on the last two blog postings. It is certainly a topic which needs to be put to rest with an official announcement from WPRF's Eva Rachesky, that there will be no censorship, no culling of books, magazines, articles or whatever, not on religion and not on anything else other than a possible elimination of hate literature should it ever show up. Quite truthfully, I have not really been in the library for a while, other than to take a quick gander at the shelves, but I have not seen anything hateful - though there are authors I do not like! - and if tracts from Jehovah's Witness or some proselytizing group found its way in, well, clean it up when the library is straightened out by volunteers and that is the end of it. I do not believe that there are people here in the Village who are scared of seeing something that is not of their religious belief or feel uncertain of themselves because another religion happens to have a book explaining itself  placed on a library shelf. NO, what this is, is another attempt to continue the repression, the oppression, the paternalistic attitude that is so often found in dictatorships, wherein the "leader' shows how concerned he/she is re the electorate, and "knows" what is best for them and under that guise cuts out lots of literature, lots of knowledge, and all free choice.
Well screw that. We are adults and can make our own choices and if someone is so scared of the library - don't come in and do not bother to go to the public libraries as they have many books dealing with religion or mentioning it, so stay out of there as well.
     All this is quite possibly and allegedly part and parcel of a continuing and growing campaign to establish David Israel as dictator for life and a likely collusion with WPRF for post Millennium agreements and in return..... who knows, but the mind does wonder.
     The cancellation of all open debate spots and rights, the difficulty and denial of rights to post or display items in the Village, the refusal to allow resident publications to be distributed within the Village while allowing outside publications to do so - and that is fine  for those publications - but it is an error, a grievous error, a calculated error, in not allowing other items for distribution. That is called freedom of speech, freedom of the press - two freedoms which are notoriously lacking within the Village.
     Time and time again I, and many others, have extended a hand, offering peace in return for cooperation and inclusion, for just and fair administration. Time and time again those hands have been spurned, tromped upon, had the nasties come out of their hidey holes and post their nasty remarks. Does David Israel really believe that we are going to lay down and die, allowing his free reign to establish his lifetime rule, telling us in so many words that the only way he is going, leaving office, is by his death?! Sorry, nope, no way, not my style. Fight for the right - use the might of the right to show the true way - that is the way I go and so do many, many others. And what is worse for David and Co. is that I truly enjoy this, for fighting for the right is an uplifting experience and the proper thing to do.
     So let us tackle a topic that David Israel is nervous about and that has been brought up formally by mention on Gary's blog. That is the topic of the election. For years the system of voting has been quite cloudy, suspected of being perverted and twisted, with irregularities running rife through the process. Even when the head of the committee tried to do the best, there was no way it could all be controlled, particularly when the system is based on a faulty basis - the delegates and who they are and how they get to vote, particularly from the "dead" associations.
     After the last two elections the roar of dissent was deafening and suddenly we had an electronic voting system. That was good. However, the system basis remained the same and thus could and most probably led to suspect results. Much further reformation needed and needs to be done but will that happen? Nope, for should that happen, the Dictator for Life will surely be gone, he and all his sycophants and residents of the sold their soul people. How does this work? I'll explain.
     Our system at present - one which needs to be changed to one of one resident owner in a unit - and only one unit - gets to vote in these elections - but in the meanwhile, delegates vote. Therefore and thus, the voting would be fair. All other items would still be voted on via the DA so delegates would still have lots of sayso over things in the Village.
      These delegates are appointed by the Boards of the Associations or named by the officers, however the association wishes. BUT here is the problem and one I have commented upon many times and here is where the rot starts. Many of the associations are defunct for all intents and purposes. Either most, if not all, are renters and thus ineligible to be a delegate, or the resident owners are just too old and tired or even past the point of being competent enough to do this with thought, and thus suddenly along comes someone who says to a person - "You are the delegate and here is what you are to do and how you are getting there and back." There is absolutely no check on this and it is our own version of the rotten borough system that was a part of England's system for a long time until reformation was undertaken.
     There is at present no allowable system allowed or method allowed to check the credentials of the delegates. None at all. Only an administration fixture supposedly checked and well, we know how that turns out and what that allows. There were people there on line, having waited for hours to vote, who suddenly found that their names had mysteriously disappeared. Even when the person in charge said, "Oh yes, I remember her" said well, maybe her paper was wrong or things changed. Truly? Really? There were too many of these situations not to have the reeks of fixing and fiddling grow up around us.
     The only true way to have an honest and fully impartially run election is to have NONE of the people of UCO or the Village take or play a role or part in the process. Having a candidate running back and forth to the counting room - sniff, sniff - especially when this same person was  allegedly suspected of  playing a shady role in prior elections - major no-no. Having insiders and biased people running the checkpoints - no-no again. An open system to check the credentials of the delegates - whoa, that raised an uproar in UCO. I could care less what the name of the supervising company is - that is their choice - but they need to be vetted as all contractors must - and if that works out, after a vetting by all sides of the election process - then the administration must stay out of the election process totally and completely and that way we know what is being done and how it is being done the proper and impartial way.
     Of course, the nasties came out with their nasty and demeaning comments but their hot air is worthless and does not lessen the truth and what needs to be done. We have taken the first steps on the road of fixing our system and let us continue with dignity and with the knowledge that right is on our side and the might of the right is with us. A great author once wrote in one of his books - "Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one." Dr. Seuss in One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
    Tomorrow is indeed another one, another day and there is another and  another and another.......We are here and we are here to stay and complete the reformation here in the Village, to prevent censorship, to rid ourselves of corruption and dictatorship and if it takes baby steps, well so be it.
    There is a more or less peace in Ireland. There is an end to the Cold War. There will be an end somehow to the morass in Syria and the mess of the migrants. There will be an end to the nonsense here and a return to the right way. And hey, maybe one day there will even be peace in Israel.
     And by the way, I like that name, the nasties, so even Steven - you call the opposition "malcontents" so I baptize you guys - the nasties.

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