Monday, March 28, 2016


     Once again we have the Nasties going at it again, sending comments that reek of foulness, anti Semitism and rife with threats to take away not only our rights, on which they have already done a bang up job, but also one's physical freedom. To take a cue from one's language they so carelessly throw around  - bitchy people are they not! Go back to your bromance and perhaps there you will find some happiness.
     In any case, let's take a look at what the future holds or portends since a more ominous word fits the forecast better. David Israel wishes to "revisit" the whole Wi Fi and Broadband issue as he states in his column. Why is the most likely response. Village wide Wi Fi was voted down quite strongly, funds for it were denied by acclamation by the DA and the truth of the matter is - WE HAVE WI FI AND BROADBAND ALREADY. It is all here in the Village - residents' choice to use or not, to install in a unit or go via the association route which has been working just fine, no issues and a hell of a lot cheaper than David Israel's plan. Wonder why he is so hot to trot on this issue? Is it perhaps because he is failing so abysmally on all the other issues? But more on that later.
     Back to Wi Fi. Does anyone realize out there that the old saw of the bigger they are the harder the fall is so true? Well, think if we had a system that locked all of us into one choice, one provider and most probably at a ruinous cost and then that system was hacked, dreadfully so. The sites are down, our cloud is destroyed, our info hacked, our security defenses destroyed and why - because we would have become a sweet and juicy target for some jerko out there who delights in doing this and who makes a living from it. And why? Because now we would be a whole juicy plum rather than skimpy little pieces which one by one would require too much work and too little payback for all that effort. And then, along comes Jones - no, oops, David Israel and his crew of Nasties and bingo! down we all go. And all for a useless campaign which simply brings to mind a question - why is he hot to trot here? What does he get out of it? More info for him? More ways to break into the personal files of the residents? More threats to make? What, is the question. So vote this down again . It is dangerous, wasteful, unnecessary and expensive and we all have enough expenses to take care of already and by the way - not a word in his column about the decrepit and crumbling roads. Huh!!!
     He talks as if there was lots of time for the Millennium prep. Well, guess again. Levy's lawyers, as usual, are way up on this already and who do we have as a lawyer? Only the Shadow knows for it is certainly not out there! We are supposedly working on new documents, new bylaws - so where are the products of these efforts? Why has the Chair of the now defunct Advisory Committee been thrown under the bus? Where are the products of the hours of the work she put into it? Could it be that she is now in disfavor with the King of the Nasties and thus the wheels of the bus that go round and round are doing that to her?!
     And again - where is that elephant in the room - the roads and their financing? Or are we truly planning to go all Acreage in our CV, unpaved roads and all, but remember - those roads out there are maintained impeccably - unlike ours! So again, even our Treasurer who wimps out at the thought of denying David his piece of cake, even he says that we are short and will be paying the price for it in the next budgets. Either that or we each take a bucket and a trowel and become repavers! A DIY project.
     And of course - where is the huge project of the waters of the Village. Shall we take a tour of the waterways within our home, smell the lovely odors and the ugly sight of mats of green, of dead water? And no, I am tired of hearing how the main lake is soooo much better - truly, does anyone see some blue water here and truly again, we all do not live around the main lake so could we get on with this project - another expensive undertaking.
     And what about the issues of buying the Clubhouse and stop the massive leaking of our funds into Levy's pocket. Why not set up something on that - or is someone already in someone's pocket? Just askin', just askin'.
     Not done yet, folks. There is another elephant in the room. For years now we have stood static, stagnant under the administration of David Israel and his selfish and unrealistic and unnecessary plans. We have wasted millions of dollars, concentrated on nonsense and have gone backwards. The truth is out there - even Muldar and Fox know that! - but we have allowed the truth to get farther and farther away. We have allowed the inmates to run the asylum, much to our detriment.
     So what is the elephant? The question of term limits. For years, since the inception of UCO we have had term limits, etched into our bylaws and documents and for the most part it worked. Unnecessary or incompetents or selfish UCO people were ousted within a reasonable amount of time but then along came a power hungry and lonely and bitter old man who had nothing and no one else in his life and who loves to sit in his lair and play with his computer and G-d knows what else, all the while as his cohorts keep on truckin' and taking down our home. TERM LIMITS MUST BE REINSTALLED. THEY MUST BE VOTED TO BE PUT BACK IN PLACE. DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIES OF THE MAN. OUR FUTURE IS AT STAKE.
     For another quick glimpse at the character of this man and why he and his have to go, just look at "his" column on retrofitting. This man who has his column ghostwritten, this man who cannot string two sentences together in either speaking or writing, this man has suddenly become able to write an entire column complete with all legal niceties, with the boilerplate of legalese, with all the signs that go along with it? I think not and he knows not so what he does is COPY an article about the retrofitting and then put his name over it. For shame!!! For shame!!! Just give the boilerplate and then explain it in English for those who need the explanation. But perhaps David Israel is having trouble understanding it and thus just puts his name to it. Plagiarism is a crime, by the way. Just a piece of info you might find interesting.
     Hark! Do ye not hear and see? There goes that weasel like  hare, hopping away with the lettuce from the garden, with the fruits of our labor - but hark again- there, on the wind, arf arf arf arf arf arf.....
     And oh, by the way, if you have a problem with this, you know who - tough!!! And no one is interested in your filthy mouth either. If you need to abuse women with vulgar statements - go find your sister or your mother or your wife or even your daughter. Maybe they can tolerate you but I find myself thinking of garbage dumps when your name comes up. That and the nausea of disgust that you induce. Shoo! Scram! Go back to the dirty alleys where you belong.

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