Tuesday, March 15, 2016


     Yesterday we woke up to the news that there had been two ramming attacks at the same checkpoint and the sum total was three Palestinians dead in a futile attempt to kill more Israelis. When will they ever learn? When will they learn that if they had good leaders they would not be living in poverty in Gaza as Hamas and its leaders siphon off the cement and building materials for tunnels, as they sell off homes for $40,000 that were given free to the people of Gaza, as Hamas sells the items donated to the people from UNRWA - a waste of an organization after 70 years of doing nothing constructive - and as on the West Bank Abbas and his family members become wealthy as they too siphon the funds. And then the world asks why there is no functioning economy at the level it should be after billions and trillions of dollars have been given to them, as the funds just sink into a black hole of finance?
     Obama welcomed Trudeau to America and said that we can choose our friends but not our neighbors. Uh huh! When will the world recognize that fact is the true statement of the Middle East. Believe me, Israel would prefer other neighbors or at least the same ones with better manners!
     With another oy vey at the news, with Libya having civil war and Ankara getting blown up and there being cross border attacks by Al Qaeda, with peace talks in Syria going nowhere fast, and with Iran flaunting its defiance and sending off missiles written on it that Israel will be destroyed and there now being less restrictions on their reporting demands - OY VEY! and Obama goes blithely on in his fog and says that perhaps he has the time to make an agreement happen. Really? With his relationships with the people of Israel? With his wimpy behavior and his red lines that disappear when crossed, with Iran defying the rules of the agreement, with his weak John Kerry and spokesman John Kirby? Oy vey all around here. That's for sure.
     " I come to Jerusalem. There, the sky is blue and memory becomes clear. " (Menachem Begin)
   I thank G-d for this place for it keeps me sane. It puts the worries of the world into perspective and reminds me what is real and what is important, what is permanent and what is not. And when I think about home in the Village, when I read the idiocies written by Elaine Brown and more on that in a minute, when I see that David Israel is back to his old tricks of erasing comments that point out his deficiencies, when I feel the weariness of how long this nonsense will go on because this man simply does not hear, I think of the eternities found here - for anyone - Jew, Christian, Moslem, atheist - for the eternal wonders of it, the sense of calm that prevails even as chaos abounds - it is a marvel and today the skies are blue with puff clouds as the overnight showers have disappeared.
     Elaine Brown, poor thing, is the next sacrificial lamb offered up by David Israel. She writes as she is coached of the "fact" that "biased " clubs were established to fight in this election against David Israel. Well, sorry, toots, the Messenger Club was established long before this election and there was only one club, so next? Ah, how much money was spent. Was it your money? Do you have an accounting of it? Do you think David did not spend money? Do you have any idea how much his trifold cost to print and distribute? Do you think he had not opportunities - which he damn well took - to publicize and propagandize as he wrote his column in the Rag, as he sent out emails to vote for him, with some other nonsense attached, with emails and letters about how much he did - NOT - for the Village - that is if you count all the negatives! Did you miss a few bagels as you did not show up at the open Forum? Ask Olga if she has any frozen for you!No one disrupted any meeting for asking a question and wanting an answer are part and parcel of the political process, Elaine. Perhaps you need a few lessons on civics. And last and certainly not the least of the gnats, we have Peter Cruise once again sending me emails that tell me I am going to be Bakerized aagin. A threat that is as empty as his head and by the way, you got the wrong person, fool.
     David Israel, how much more of this garbage are you going to dish out? How much more are you going to spew forth from your dark little den? Grow up already! What exactly is the gain for you and your stooges in this? Do you think you will ever win a war of words with me? Dream on on that, buddy! Come out from your corner, shake hands, set up an inclusive administration, hear what others have to say and show people that you truly care for the Village and not only for yourself.
     And remember - "We don't need legitimacy. We exist. Therefore we are legitimate."  (Menachem Begin)We are not one monolithic group but rather a conglomeration of people, many people, who dislike what is happening in and to the Village. Our complaints are legitimate and so are we. Get that through your head and we can all make some needed progress here. Carl Sandburg once said, “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”  The facts and the law are against you, David Israel, and your tantrums are the equivalent of the pounding on the table, kind of like Khruschev did, but we have the facts and the law and will pound right back and continue to do so until if and when you come to your senses and do the right thing. That is a promise.

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