Wednesday, March 30, 2016


     You could have knocked me over with a feather, but yesterday, at the operations meeting, David Israel and I agreed on the need to not allow censorship in our library. Do not begin to understand his motivations or how he reached this conclusion but I'll take it. Perhaps he realized how crowded the room was, heard the tenor of the audience and heard the man from ACLU and saw the direction of the tide, but whatever - a victory!!
     But there is another vote immediately on the heels of this issue and that is term limits. Country after country and political entity one after the other, have come to the conclusion that term limits is the best way to go for political arenas. It keeps the people fresh, prevents the buildup of shady ties, prevents the forgetting of WHY one is in office, backs merit over seniority and that was a hard battle when it took place for people do not like to give up power. Term limits promotes altruism and idealism rather than the tired old political machine and machinations.
     It allows for new generations to come to office and in no way does it disallow the outgoing from participating in other ways and even for running for other offices or the same office after a break. Term unlimited people get tired, tired of fresh thoughts, tired of thinking of innovation, of thinking outside the box and become concerned with cementing their power, with  gathering allies around them, with insuring that they have the yesmen they need to continue in their offices.
     It does not matter how many times an idea is brought up - for there should be no censoring and even though Wi Fi should be buried already, there is a right to bring it up. Remember the censorship issue from yesterday, David. Same thing, a brother from another mother one might say. The plans to disallow return issues is taking place in the new bylaws being written so secretly that no one is privy to them outside of the golden circle of David Israel and allies - the Nasties.
     Personally, I wish we could all grow up and leave this stupidity of malcontents and nasty personal comments but with people such as they have that are encouraged to leave denigrating remarks, the same stupid people, then we have no choice but to oppose in kind. What a waste!!
     Delegates, bring back term limits, bring fresh air to the Village, fresh ideas, not the rerunning of the same old same old while nothing gets done in a positive manner for the Village and old mistakes are simply repeated again and again. Check on the beloved Internet of David and you will see the tide of pro term limits and stop this nonsense of "you can always vote them out." It is a proven fact that incumbency weighs heavily on the uncertain voter, the negligent voter, and the could care less voter who whines but does not move to vote. Go check out Jon Carter and see his reasoning for term limits.
     But in any case, I came across a story, a true happening, that will bring warmth to the heart even as one cries for those who never met, who died unknowing who survived, who died of the venomous hatred that exists in this world and that has raised its ugly snouted face again. Read.

     Miracle on Dan Bus #4
It was a very hot day in July 1951. I was in Tel Aviv and too hot to walk. I boarded Dan bus #4 on the corner of Ben Yehuda and Gordon streets.

The bus was very crowded and there was no available seat. I had to stand next to a Yemenite woman holding a live chicken under her apron.
People were chatting, discussing with fervor the day’s news, each one offering a personal description of the political situation, everyone with a different opinion. As is common in Israel, every person holds himself to be the authentic source of “inside” information. This one said “I have a cousin in the police force and he told me……..” Another replied, “that doesn’t make any sense. My neighbor’s son is in the army and he was telling us……” And from the rear of the bus, a passenger shouted “who cares? Nothing will change soon”.
   At each bus stop some passengers alighted and new passengers boarded. Now there were a few empty seats and I grabbed one in the middle of the bus.
   As we approached another bus stop (I can’t remember which corner), three or four new passengers boarded. One elderly lady stepped up to the coin box next to the driver and deposited a few coins.
   Suddenly, looking at the bus driver she gave a loud shriek. “Moishele, Moishele, Moishele mein kind.”
The driver jammed on the brakes, looked at the elderly woman and cried, “Mama, Mama, is it you Mama?”
   Both were Holocaust survivors from Poland and each one thought the other one was dead.
    Jumping up from his seat, the driver embraced his long-lost and presumed dead mother and both hugged and hugged and both wept bitter tears of joy.
    All the passengers clapped hands. Several were weeping from the joy of seeing mother and son re-united. One passenger jumped off the bus and hailed the next approaching bus. He shared the news with the new driver and requested him to notify the Dan bus company to send a relief driver.
    None of us left the bus. A relief driver appeared about half-hour later. Passengers sitting in the row behind the driver got up and gave the seats to the mother and son, still clutching one another and weeping with heart-wrenching sobs.
   At some point, our original driver and his mother left the bus while all of us clapped hands and the Yiddish-speaking passengers shouted “Mazal tov. Mazal tov. Tzu gezunt. A sach nachas”.
I never knew where they were going. Probably to the driver’s home so his mother could meet his wife and her new grandchild.

All of us were so filled with emotion that it was difficult to contain ourselves. There was not a dry eye among our passengers.
It was a hot July day in 1951. But I will never forget the miracle on Dan bus #4 on that very happy day.

     Read and then think all day on what is truly important and the stupid games we still continue to play. Think about why the hate is still here, why England's Labour Party indulges in blatant anti Semitism such as the claim that Israel is ISIS, that we really did bring down the Towers in 9/11, that we poison the world with our very presence. Enough!

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