Tuesday, March 8, 2016


     Not quite sure what day it is as the timing is all off and trying to say awake so can get acclimated, but I must say, it is nice being treated as a rich person in business class! Even got to lay down during flight - uncomfortable but better than sitting up.
     Just heard the news for today in Israel and was horrified. There were three terror attacks over two hours. One animal ran along the Jaffa boardwalk and killed one and wounded dozens, including seriously wounding a pregnant woman and killed an American tourist. Another animal shot at policemen and seriously wounded several of them, and the last stabbed a man who then pulled the knife out of his neck and stabbed the terrorist to death! May they all die!! Approximately 33 dead and 331 wounded in these attacks and the Zionists are terrible? They occupy land? Understand that all these attacks took place on permanent Israeli soil or on no man's land - and the realization must be that the hatred is personal, vindictive and religious rather than political and truly based on anything other than hate and lies.
     The  whole movement of anti Zionism is a thinly, very thinly, disguised version of anti Semitism and even the governments of Europe who are quick to criticize Israel are now beginning to realize what they have wrought, what they have allowed. Yet even as this takes place, the mutterings and the hatred go on. Look at Trump what with his record of giving much donations to Israeli projects and charities and his new stance on the Middle East.  Ask yourself why it is that the only democracy in the area is libeled? Why is it that even the Gulf States have come to the recognition that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and yet what is the delay in the same recognition of Hamas who boasts of these attacks and keeps digging tunnels, all the better to kidnap civilians, children especially and to just plain kill.
     And yet when we walked a bit around the city tonite we found it a vibrant, living, loving city, with full restaurants - and empty hotels. With Israelis living life even as they look behind them.
With life going on and yet how much more will it take for the world to realize that the same Islamic terrorism that they fear and are fighting against is the same Islamic terrorism here and it is all religious, nothing else but religion.
     People are blind, be it here, around the world, in CV or anywhere else one can plant two feet on this little planet of ours. It is heartbreaking when we realize how little is gained and how much is lost by this behavior. My heart goes out to the victims and my anger extends to those who should know better and right now, in particular, I challenge the college officials who are afraid to do anything and allow the Apartheid Week and BDS movements to flourish yet tie the hands of those who would defy them and answer them.Just what is going on here? 
     I look at my grandson who surprised us by coming to our hotel and I wonder what will his future be? This sweet and gentle boy who is so earnest, who refuses to argue politics with his grandmother, who cares for the world and all his generation - what will be? We, the adults, are leaving them a mess and why? I have no answer.

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