Wednesday, March 23, 2016


     Lest one think that I spend too much time on the topic of world terrorism in general and that of "knife intifadas" in Israel and the stalking of Jews and Israelis outside their country, let us take a trip around the world, just a bit of a journey so that one can understand the importance of it.
     "The rapid growth of anti-Semitic acts on college and university campuses across America has created a toxic and unwelcoming climate for far too many students of all religions and viewpoints. Far too many Jewish students say that they no longer feel that they can wear their symbols of their religion, ....."
      This was written by a young Christian woman, a student at one of the many campuses of the University of California where an important vote is to be taken today on the "Principles of Intolerance", including the "Contextual Statement". The nastiness, the battery acid effect of the new growth of anti Semitism, or rather the uncovering of it from the hidey holes where it has festered lo these many a years, including right here in our own  country, must be combated. The Pope said,  “To attack Jews is anti-Semitism, but an outright attack on the State of Israel is also anti-Semitism.” The Pope has also said that “anyone who does not recognize the Jewish people and the State of Israel — and their right to exist — is guilty of anti-Semitism.”

     Our own President said yesterday "…and we stand in solidarity with them in condemning these outrageous attacks against innocent people.....
This is yet another reminder that the world must unite," Obama said. "We must be together regardless of nationality or race or faith in fighting against the scourge of terrorism."
     And yet, these people do not even hear the sounds of their own voices. Obama refuses to include Israel and Jews within his statement's understanding. Riyad Maliki , the Foreign Minister of the PA said openly yesterday that the violence and terrorism that is growing rampant within Europe, within Turkey, all over the world is NOT the same as the terrorism that has since September killed 34 people, horrifically killed them, and wounded hundreds of others. Why? Where is the difference? Is there any justification of terrorism, of knives, guns, bombs aimed at civilians or even at soldiers and police who are merely patrolling the streets to maintain the peace and avoid exactly what just happened  in Brussels, in Paris, in Kenya, in Turkey - and in Israel. Is it different because in one case it is mainly Jewish blood that is being spilled and in the other case it is more blood of others? Jewish blood is cheap? Is that we are being told? Need I revive Shylock's speech in "Merchant of Venice" wherein he posits the heartbreaking speech wherein the humanity of the Jews should not be questioned?
     Nor need we have pointed out the fact that there are voices such as Jewish Voices for Peace who are willing to sell their souls and sell out their people for what? I cannot figure them out, but remember, there were people in the Holocaust who sold their souls too for survival for another day, for the lives of their families, so perhaps these dangerously foolish people think they are saving their own lives. Foolish and dangerous and useless.
     I wonder where the sense of it all is? I wonder why I can have good and trusted friends who are not necessarily Jewish and it makes no never mind. It should not make a difference in the world in the 21st century, but it does, much to our detriment, for remember, one hatred leads to another and one cannot begin to distinguish between an "allowed" hatred and one that is not. There is no such thing.
     But we even have the supposed leaders of the world who scream out words of hate, threats to the existential being of people. That crazy guy in North Korea, not satisfied with starving and killing his own people, even his own family members, in a berserk campaign to keep his power, now threatens that he is going to wipe out South Korea and the USA. The supposed "moderates", G-d help us, of Iran, still shout and foam at the mouth with threats to Israel, to wipe it off the map and blatantly violate the terms of the ridiculous treaty and we, we stand here and do nothing.
     And lest you think you can stand aside, it does not affect you, it does. My friend's son, a brilliant boy, is working as a professor at a well known university. He has already published a book, been sent on research assignments and yet, he is warned to keep his kippah off his head, play down his Jewishness until he receives that tenure track appointment that he is up for. Here in America! Here in our own country, so do not think that it is gone and for that matter, the nasties have pulled it off here as well. I have received numerous remarks from them - all saved in print - commenting on my Jewishness and trust me, not in a pretty way.
     So we need to take stock. Are there bad people in every group? Yes. Are there good people in every group? Not so sure on that, but at least in Israel they know to punish their own, the Hilltop youth who are just as off the path as the young Palestinians who stab and maim, but these kids are punished and are the exception rather than the rule and their misdeeds can be counted on the fingers of one's hands, rather than in the hundreds.
     What we need is a generation of leaders who will actually talk with and not at each other. We need leaders who will understand that there has to be an end to this violence. We need new leaders who know how to stand firm, its importance and how and why we need to go after these world terrorists for that is what they are. Yesterday Paris, today Brussels, tomorrow the world and always Israel, for these attacks, these perpetrators of terror and death are one and the same no matter what name they give themselves. Where is the difference, the daylight, between ISIS and Al Qaeda? Where is the difference between Nusra and Daesh? There is none and once the world recognizes that, once they band and bond together in a united no holds barred organized resistance to these terrorists of mankind, once that happens then perhaps we can look forward to a better future. Perhaps.
     In the meanwhile, we here have to do what we can to further improve our own small world. We need to think carefully for the national elections. We need to fight the nasties for they belong amongst those who would take away your freedoms and your rights. It started with the censorship of the paper, of its removal from access by opponents. It continued with repression of the right to free speech and assembly. It continues with the exclusion of people from the society of UCO, of the administration of the Village, calling these people names so as to dehumanize them, allowing their fellow nasties, even encouraging them, to spew forth hurtful lies and garbage. It continues with the removal of rules that would protect the Village by insisting on term limits, from preventing a Dictator for Life, the end goal of David Israel and company. So here we stand
(thank you, Elsa) for terrorism takes many shapes and remember  "…actions like harassment, conspiracy, intimidation, and mob incitement that results (in) acts of violence and intimidation are not protected by free speech and are violations of law." No matter who initiates it! No matter where! It is all part and parcel of the same disgusting movement and remember - censorship of books ends with censoring of people.
     Come to UCO on Tuesday, March 29, at 10 AM and help stamp out terrorism here. Stamp out the repression of rights here in the Village. Stand up and be counted.

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