Friday, March 18, 2016


    Okay, so I love the music of Air Supply and just had to use this title, but the sentiment or thought behind it is true. Here we are again, back home though I miss Jerusalem down into the marrow of my bones. There is a physical home and a spiritual home, a home of the soul and the two are very different. My heart cringes at reading of an assault on a girl getting off a bus as two terrorists ran at her from a nearby gas station to stab her. She ended in the OR and they ended up dead. Just what is the matter with the leaders of the Palestinian people that they educate their young to do this, that mothers encourage their sons and even daughters to go out and kill themselves as they attack and kill others. I know that at the very first inkling of danger, the instinct of a mother is to pull the child back, grown up or little one, so what are they doing? Just what is the matter with their thinking? And how are they to prove to be partners in peace, you should excuse me, when they only know of war and hate, of killing and death?
     So now back to the mundane. Here I am again, up in the wee hours, this time due to jetlag. So, some thoughts. As we approached the Village on Okeechobee yesterday afternoon, lo and behold, there appeared to be a traffic jam in the right lane and guess what? It was the backup to turn into the Village!! I thought that by now we would have worked this thing out, don't ya think! While it is nice to see the security car around the Village, though exactly what security it really provides is uncertain, at least they should work this situation out!! It is truly dangerous and unexpected to the driver tootling along in the right lane ready to get over on the next block to the Turnpike lane and boom! There is a sudden and unexpected dead stop!! Not good, folks, not good.
     Then I hear something much worse than that. I hear that the Village is once again going to censor items in the library and elsewhere in the Village? That they are going to root out all suspected religious items? Are they for real? Are they truly turning into the fascists that they were imitating? David Israel, are you in favor of this and if so, why and if not - speak the hell up!!! Are we also going to ban religious talk, or clubs and then hey, why  not go on to ban religious people, you know, if one is a practicing believer in anything from Wicca to Bahai, from Judaism to Islam, from Catholicism to any sect of Protestant churches and Evangelicals or even the Vikings Valhalla! Just where does this end?
     And my oh my, do we have work to do in the library. Let us remove the Bible in all versions of course and then the Koran, the history books that mention the Protestant Reformation, the books that deal with the Crusades, the Inquisition, even the phrase of "under G-d" and how it got into the pledge! Oh dearie me, the thought of all those books that mention religion, no, no, they must go! Well, Eva, David or whoever you are planning to do this, this I will not take sitting down. If this goes through I will contact every organization I know that deals with the legality of this and the morality of this and the dangerous path it is following and blazing. That means papers, TV stations, ADL, B'nai Brith, Catholic organizations, The Southern Poverty Law Center and any other organization people can find. This is a BLATANT violation of the Constitution and this is exactly what I have stated before. Once one starts out on this path of censorship and repression, the rest is sure to follow and David - and you, Eva, for allowing this - are the fascists unless you speak up about this. And hey, what if I were an atheist - you would have to ban that information as well, for that denies religion, a person's right, but a major no-no for mentioning religion. Ooops, do  not forget Henry VIII and what he did to religion in England.
     Every single person in this Village should show up at UCO on March 29 at 10 AM to protest this attempt to strip the library of any and all religious materials for it never ends and what the hell, are we infants that we cannot stand to see some religious material there? Are we afraid that someone will change religions upon seeing a Bible or a Talmud or the Koran or the principles of Buddhism or whatever?! Do we need to organize a round the clock sit in by the library? Hey, I remember those and can do it again. What about the rest of you? Are you going to sit on your hands and do nothing and let this repression movement that is growing here now grow even more?
     Folks, this is the growing movement here in the states and even around the world where people go to extremes about religion and impose their religious views on others. I could care less about someone's views if they let me live my own and do no harm to others in the name of religion. That is the human and humane thing to do. G-d! I am really ticked off about this! And hey, don't forget the Diary of Anne Frank for that too has religious issues and statement. In the garbage it goes! Shall I go on to list more.....

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