Thursday, March 10, 2016


        It is ridiculous that on a day of pride and love I have to find myself answering the idiocy once again of one who thinks he is an author, but remains the same gasbag full of hot air, saying nothing, except pointing out the fact that no matter what garbage David Israel spews, he means nothing of any good. Work with others? Never!! Discuss with others? Never!! Be honest? Never!!
     Today my grandson presented a lecture using ancient texts to discuss a religious issue of the day. He did it very well and it gave me pride that the chain was not broken; it continues on to another generation. That is what is important today.
     What else is important is the humor that the Israelis use to withstand an impossible situation. Buying shoes? Well, one cannot run from a stabber in heels, but one can use the heels of a stiletto shoe to fight back! Or, a hero using a guitar leads to all sorts of discussion with tongue in cheek of the defensive virtues of musical instruments.
     As for the world, all they do is ignore or mumble nonsense. I hear of the "poor" people waiting at checkpoints and the phrasing of it as if it is only Arabs. Well, have I got news for you. We were caught up in two huge lines for checkpoints and there was not one horn blowing, not one person yelling that another was a donkey for not moving. Everyone knows that the checkpoints are for security, so all are patient.
     And then I go on line and read another Lanny masterpiece.  "major on the major and minor on the minor" - what the hell does that mean? Actually it means nothing but a lot of blather trying to cover up the fact that this is still a dictatorship and until David Israel goes, by hook or by crook or by nature taking its course, then we live in a miserable situation. Guess we will have to take the path of the Boca guy who contacted a Senator. Not a bad idea! Thanks!
     After elections, opponents know that the best way to proceed is to work together. Well, we got nothing here, that's for sure. We are told that opponents must apologize. What? Apologize for what? For exercising American constitutional rights? For pointing out weaknesses and faults and lies of the opposing side? For refusing to lay down and die upon command? If that is what you want, then that is what you will get, though we certainly prefer it the other way, all the better for the Village. You see that the Republicans and the Democrats ruin the nation when they fight like children, refusing to give on any issue. Well, I see your role model, David Israel, and it ain't a pleasant one. I also see the trolls you send, the ones who curse us, who call us filthy names, use disgusting innuendoes, use extremely hostile language, and invite us to leave our homes so they can be free to do as they want. Are these the public faces of your administration? G-d help us all.
     You can wait till the heavens open, till the mountains crumble before you ever get an apology. In fact, you owe all of us one and the Village too. Once again - grow up and do the adult thing. Stop sending your fools to ask questions such as the one Gracie - oops, Grace---oops not so amazing Grace - whatever - if Gerry would be loyal to me over David. Is she out of her weird mind? I have no clue what her marriage was like, but husbands and wives are loyal to each other and this is not  a national issue, fool, this is a local race where yes, the consequences are serious, but questions of loyalty? And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, a glimmer of the inflated ego of the current dictator of the village who demands loyalty as if he were a king! Well, he ain't!
     Here is a PS special for Lanny. Thank you for the good wishes on my visit to my grandson in Israel, but truly Lanny, that explanation was so roundabout that I lost it and I am both Phi Beta Kappa and Kappa Delta Pi (ed. honor society). It truly makes no sense. One majors or stresses what is important and here, what is important is to have the freedom to speak, to assemble and to join. Where are any of them and none of them is minor - just ask the writers of the Constitution.

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