Monday, April 25, 2016


     The world is an amazing place of contrasts, good and bad. It is filled with the words that reconcile, of truth and friendship, or at least lack of hate, and also filled with words of lies and falsehoods, of hate and threats and sheer gall. It seems that these words are presented so strongly and with such conviction, that people even begin to believe the lies they have oft been told. It worked with Hitler. It worked with Nero. It worked with Il Duce, it worked in CVWPB and it appears to be working with BDS and other hate filled purveyors of all that is untruth. And unfortunately it also works here to an extent with the unthinking, of which, thank G-d, there are fewer and fewer and more and more of those people who let their eyes and ears see and hear the truth.
     It upsets me that once again I have to write such a post, especially on the days of the holiday. Is it not time that we took a trip away from lies and hate, from contempt of people expressed in those lies, those blatant lies.
     Today  is a day of lots of family fun. The stricter days of the first two days of Passover are over, all are stuffed, and ready to party. No, not food, as we all overate what with the meals and the grazing in between and the visiting other people who naturally had to pull out more food to welcome their guests and soon we are all rolling thru the streets, so, today is a day of action. Even those who did not stay here the first days of the holiday will now converge on Orlando and here they come, Mickey! Magic Kingdom will be jammed! And all will have the knapsacks and the carriages filled with the kosher for Pesach food, zillions of bottles of water as it is hot here and only going to get worse ,  and the schedules and routes of fun must be strictly adhered to! Gerry and I? Kids are off to Sea World, less crowded and with its waterpark right there, and we are off to a quiet spot - the movies. Aaahhhhhh!
     And the world? Oooff! Not such good news, and in many cases just plain weird. Here we have a campaign for president and two rivals are planning to cooperate to eliminate another rival, but plan to compete against each other in other states as if there never had been any cooperation. A backer of conservative politicians and policies says he could see himself supporting Clinton! UCLA administrators call the reaction of protest against BDS and hate filled posers and actions, a campaign of hate as they do not like the posters which show the link between BDS and Hamas, between the leaders of SJP and hate mongering groups. Suddenly the truth becomes lies and the lies truth. Have we all gone down that hole to Alice in Wonderland world?
     The world itself is confused. Whom to support? Is the enemy of my enemy my friend or is he also my enemy as well? If I work with a hostile country in one area does that mean I look away from that which will harm me elsewhere? There appears to be no clear black and white demarcation, no clear route to follow. 
      And it is no different here in the Village. Last nite I opened an IFI and found a welcome to la la land posting. In it we were told that the waterways are improving. Yup. And look how lucky we were. All those "herrings" that died and floated around and stank to the high heavens were just a part of the circle of life as the cleaners came in for free - the birds of the air. Can almost hear the kumbayas being hummed. We received a circular reasoning exposition of the contents of our water. Yes, it has too much nitrogen and yes, the algae are happy little campers with all that nitrogen, and yes, that means less oxygen for the waters and as such, too bad for the little fishies that move around and perhaps if they were more slug-a-beds they would not die from the poor oxygen content, but in any case, the algae is blooming, the fish are dying, the nitrogen grows apace and the oxygen goes the other way, but our waterways are improving. HUH??? Anyone see that Emperor and his clothes running around the Village? Oh, is that him in the lake? Hope the alligator does not catch him, you know the one that ostensibly came to visit because he loved our oh so fresh waters?! C'mon, maybe a few of us fell off the turnip truck but not the rest of us. In fact here is an opinion from the rest of us. When a certain message must be gotten out to the people, the thought is to place it in the CV Messenger as it has a very large readership! Yup! Hand to G-d! Don't ya just love it!
     In any case, since we are told that repaving - again - will be taking place  this week, I am so looking forward  to seeing the nearby bus stop in all its glory and safe paving! In the meanwhile - time to rouse the troops and get ready for the day. Movies, here we come and Mickey, gird your loins for the onslaught! Fun is the order of the day - that and matza sandwiches and aluminum wrapped matza brie and fish and even cold omelets. The ingenuity amazes me. And do not forget the chocolate, never the chocolate! Talk to all of you tomorrow. Thinking of visiting Harry Potter tomorrow and I even have Hermione's magic wand to take along with me. The magic never stops, does it? Especially when the kids will all be with us and my kids have a day off. (Sigh) - I am already tired! Oh, well, perseverance in a time of great demands is a virtue, is it not?

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