Friday, April 15, 2016


        End of the week, lots of loose ends roaming around my head so I had better tie up some thoughts or else I will never be able to fall asleep tonite! So....
     First to the holiday. Read an amazing article yesterday from Lilith magazine, on line, and was powerfully stunned for various reasons, not the least of which were some personal revelations. Putting that aside, the writer, a talented writer at that, whose writings I have read before, validated my feelings about the holiday, in part, and of the slavery it laid on women in the preparations for the holiday. But it also laid down reasons for hope that change was here already, needed more, but a good start has been made, in my opinion.
     That led to thinking last nite as I watched the debates. A little shaky from a low sugar issue, I think I shook some more at the thought that if - and a big if at that - Sanders could win the delegate votes he needs for nomination, and Trump won his.....YIKES! Time to move out of the country. He talks a good talk, but it is almost the talk of the college sophomore, imbued with idealism and high flying ideas, but the practical side is missing. There is no follow through, no practical plans or statements. He is careless in his statements and if we were worried about Bush shooting from the hip, then here is that same worry again, particularly re Israel.
     Here is a candidate who is, by the way, Jewish. So what? But he is so determined to show that he can be neutral on the Israeli - Palestinian issue that he bends over backwards and ends up falling on his head. There is no neutrality in this issue. There cannot be. It just does not lend itself to it. What there is, or what there should be, is a calm talking out of the issues between the parties themselves, an end to the bombastic statements of several of these people, and a realization on the part of the world that when they say that the Palestinians should come to the table but not to worry, for even if they do not, oh, they will get their reward anyway and be recognized. What, then, I ask, is their motivation to talk, to change, to concede, to put forth ideas, to back up issues? And where, is the world on this issue? Where are they to explain their willful blindness to other more burning issues?
    And where is Sanders when he appoints a self hating Jew as his Jewish liaison, one who foul mouthed cursed Netanyahu on Facebook, who cannot in any manner be called a reach out person that will succeed. Just what does this say about the candidate? To not vote for him! And by the way, she is now gone.
     And when Clinton finally came through with some passion, reminding all that there are still women's rights and issues that must be faced, she became a true candidate. She has the experience. The question is does she have the integrity to do it all - but that is the question one can ask of all the candidates! No end on this thread.
     So back to the Village threads. Oh, before that - what the hell is with Obama? Is he at that stage where he says to Israel, "Oh yeah, well, I'll get you, my pretty!?" This man has lost all my respect as he has devolved as a leader, rather than growing into his position and becoming a true statesman for post Presidency. No loss!
     Anyway, the Village. What the heck is the matter with the people running this place? So we were told, very sloppily and haphazardly, that we now needed to get new ID cards - again!. It seems the holograms were not serving the purpose, or the guards found it too difficult to see - not sure why - or the machine to read them or show our faces to match the ID cards or something like that - take your choice. So when one went to check in the ID office, one was told yes, you need to change but take your time, no rush now. Ok. But some of our residents, especially the older ones, get anxious, so here they came, walkers and all, schlepping to the Clubhouse on the buses, walking to the office down that long hall and finding..... a long line, over 40, and working on number 13 and 14! And one person working in the office. Great planning! And all there were out there were some impromptu volunteers who stepped up to the plate to keep things organized.
     Yesterday, after a very informative and useful meeting organized by Jerry Karpf, far more useful than seeing some papers sloppily copied on to a website, Gerry hears that oh, no new cards needed. If you have a hologram it is okay; if you don't, then you need a new card. I thought the deadline on that had long passed and what the heck is with their information dispensing system? As usual, all bollixed up - and note my avoidance of the word which truly describes it! My mother would be proud.
     It seems that this happens again and again here. Oh, look at all the pretty pavers. Oh, look quickly for they have to go as they are popping up and unsafe. Why? Who knows? Oh, perhaps they were laid incorrectly? Does anyone think of that? There are pavers all over Israel and they stay down, heat, traffic notwithstanding so here? Nope, now all pavers have to go and ugly black tar poured down but at least it will stay down - hopefully! Again, a lack of proper thought, proper vetting of contractors, of the strong lack of process and procedure, process and procedure. I have said this again and again and yet - it still remains among the missing here in UCO and the Village WPRF.
     By the way, anyone ever hear the final end of the issue at Southampton, what with the wall, the fence, the plantings and all? Guess I will have to shlep over there to see. Wonder what I will find and I will look at both sides -from within the Village and without. Hope process and procedure worked there!
     Why do we not have an ongoing contract with a fixer upper company for all the problems we have with the walkways? With the bus stops? Why do we not have them on retainer rather than constantly putting out for new contracts at ever rising prices and slow repair of the problems?
P& P would work, don't you think?
     Why did we not have a total redo and revamping of the election process wherein there was no part to be played by UCO people so that there would be no irregularities, no taints, no possibilities and no happenings that should not have been. An election is to be neutral in its staffing and certainly candidates should have no part in the process of its reporting. The question is why was this not done? Aha!! Field your own answers. I certainly have mine and so do many other thinking people.
     When will we have a civil delegate assembly? Who knows - or David Israel knows - and that will be when he and his camp grow up and stop behaving in a sophomoric manner what with their booing and shouting out, worse than middle schoolers. It will be when they learn to show respect towards others and the first step might be to remove Jackie Carlin  for she does instigate, does she not?  Ooh, might we call 911 or PBSO or maybe even hire some armed guards for intimidation? Ooh, nope, that is what David did and no good on that. Perhaps some classes on civic responsibility and proper behavior at group meetings? That might work if we could only pry open some ears and heads.
     Oh, well, morning and things to do fast approaching, much to do at end of week so, have a good weekend, people and enjoy our world. I certainly will and thanks to G-d for allowing me that privilege. Next week, we solve the problems of the world!

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