Sunday, April 10, 2016


     Yesterday two interesting postings were placed on David's blog, not because they were fascinating and new, but because of what they represent. One complained of the growing problem of dog excrement and dog owners not obeying the rules and the other spoke of a broken mailbox by the laundromat. Not fascinating are they, but then again they are if one looks at them for what they mean in the larger picture of the Village.
     Society has rules. Rules are needed to be fair and just, flexible enough for the spirit of the law to be applied, but stiff enough to have teeth. Once upon a time we had rules and laws here that were obeyed and honored and the quality of life was fine. Today, nope, sadly lacking, a growing problem.
     So why is that? Well, first of all, the world is filled with people who blatantly disregard the law and worse, many consider these lawbreakers to be oh so clever if they get away with it and especially if it is white collar crime. So people are amazed at the Panama Papers scandal, at the names of those who hid their money, avoided taxes, screwed the people of the very nations they were supposed to be leading. So much for setting the proper examples.
     We have "leaders" changing the interpretations and meanings of the laws, twisting them to fit their own needs. We have "leaders" suppressing opposition so that they might remain in power more years, all the while tightening their stranglehold on society. We have blatant disregard of the law, blatant wasteful spending, a growing disconnect between the government and the people, between the classes of people that make up society.
     So an election commission that is supposed to help people attain the right to vote now does the opposite, violating its mandate. We have governments blocking the airwaves and the Internet so certain publications cannot get thru, block the sale and distribution of oppositional journalism. Important needs of society are neglected or even totally ignored or worse, spoken of with lies as if the electorate, the people of society, were ignorant and just plain dumb.
     And here, in the Village, what do we have? We have dog shit, dog pee, and why? Because if the 'leader" of the Village refuses to obey the laws then they can do the same. So if a rule says only walk it on one's own association's grounds, well, that is changed to oh, just walk it anywhere. So we have people walking dogs on the perimeter walkway. We have a favorite play area for dogs in the large grassy area between the walkway and Dover C. We have idiot people cooing over these dogs, all the while encouraging violators.
    Is it a life changing matter? Yes and no. It will not kill us - unless of course one slips on it and falls and does major harm to oneself - but it is a question of the quality of life - a quality which has certainly deteriorated here in the Village - and all during the excessive years in  office of David Israel and crew. It is bad enough that we have duck poo all over but now we add to it the excrement of dogs and what next? Shall we become even more like outside society and add in a few homeless, some beggars and perhaps more abandoned turning feral cats?
     Why not, one might ask. We have so many of the ills of society so why not simply accept them all. We have a "leader" who bans all opposition. We have a "leader" who chooses really bad role models. We have a "leader" who refuses to have a diverse administration and remember, every single committee - yes, every single one - has the same basis - all the officers, the same name people who rotate from committee to committee along with the token "other". We have a "leader" whose connection to the paper, the press is disgustingly incestuous and instead of separation of the government from the press, allowing for a free press, we have the same people on the deteriorated paper, now basically a throwaway pennysaver and silly stories - and it just gets worse with every election as we now have TWO officers of UCO working on the paper and have added Myron Silverman, a co editor, to the Executive Board.
     Stuffing the ballot is primitive to these machinations and a direct result of them. It works quite well with the other misuse of power, that of the act of scapegoating. Separate out the opposition, make them as one, when they are not and are truly just a bunch of individuals who loathe what is going on and a growing group at that. Give them a nasty name, blame all that is wrong on them, shift the blame from the cause to the solution. Over the past few weeks I have run into more groups of people who truly cannot stand David Israel so a question arises - just what is wrong with our system of voting here when the delegates who are supposed to represent the wishes of the people do not and instead blatantly defy them and vote their own wishes? Throw de bums out as we used to say in Brooklyn. Still works!
     So is it just dog poop or is it more? Is it a laxness of security or an inpouring of rather more unsavory characters into the Village? Are we to worry about Broadband when it has been defeated or can we pay more attention to the blatant violations done by associations in accepting below age people, even families with children, who threaten our 55+ advantages, increases the noise level, clogs the pool? It is part and parcel of a laxness of law and order and the imposition of a fake and tyrannical law and order, one which oppresses rather than helps.
     It is a system which allows for motel buildings - Sheffield O is still that. It is a system which encourages renters, most of whom could care less about the long term life of the Village - they are not invested in it - but we are! It is a system that discourages participation as those who have diverse opinions are spurned and denigrated. It is a system that has allowed for a deterioration of the quality of life, a system which has allowed associations to sink into a financial morass unless they accept help on UCO'S terms, on WPRF'S terms. It is a system that has allowed the growth of a northern urban system - that of blockbusting, as certain people, certain realtors or those who act as ones, are going around offering huge sums of money, way over the market, to sell an apartment.
It is a system that simply allows for the deterioration of a proper system of law and order and the imposition of a bad system so the dog poop, the broken mailboxes, the increasing piles of sand in the roads, the growing puddles that remain after rain so do we throw a welcome party for Zika et al and the list is myriad.
     Why is the information in this supposedly open administration a month late - with last month's minutes? Why is it that only certain people get certain information AFTER a meeting is over - to make sure that the whole truth does not come out?But it does, anyway for the truth will out.
    Dog poop? Broken mailboxes? Broken rules? Bad attitudes. Scapegoating. Tyranny on the hoof. Attempted censorship of OUR library even as we are censored in the publication and information area. Wasteful and indulgent spending. Poor finances and poor future planning. Ridiculous new laws and regulations. All parts of the same great big nasty whole and ignoring it will not make it go away.
     Oh, and just as an aside, it seems that many of the American voters are also upset at a system that relies on delegates - many of whom do not reflect what is the truth. Sound familiar? Why not the one man(woman) one vote? Is that not democracy in its truest sense? Why not one resident owner one vote?
     Response to Gracie. You appear to be as dumb as the day is long and of late it is quite long. No, I do not call people names - that is left to your camp and if I respond then so be it. Tit for tat you know. But the whole point of this posting is not to blame one person but to state the fact that one person, who deems himself the leader, sets the stage by his actions and inactions and thus the buck stops there. It is a mood setter, a pace setter and it stems from the top. So sorry that I had to explain this to you but you seem to be stuck in a rut when you send a comment. Think again.

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