Wednesday, April 20, 2016


     Yesterday I wrote of the power of words, the effect they might have on others and even oneself. Words have cutting edges and the scars and wounds they inflict on another can be even more long lasting than the wound of a stick or a stone. Words can poison generations. Words can trap a person into a mire of one's own making. Words, once out, are out - especially in today's world where all is there to be found. This is something the kids of today need to internalize as they put themselves out there and then suddenly find out as they apply for admission to a school or for a job, that their words have followed them, damning them as much as they do.
     I have uttered words that I might have come to regret. I have written strong and sharp words but continue to believe that these words were earned by the one or the idea at which they were aimed. I have been the target of nasty words but luckily for me, for the most part I could care less about the person who uttered these words, who wrote them and they simply wash off.
     But I continue to wonder in a sad way at the person who cannot rid himself or herself of the nastiness of words directed at a continuing target or targets. For example, poor limited Gracie cannot seem to rid herself of the repetitive command? advice? order? which she incessantly gives me, unsolicited at that - to move and go somewhere else. She evidently does not understand the concept of free speech and the value of words of dissent in the progress of mankind in both little and large steps. But take it from whence it comes.....
     However, what is the problem with David Israel and his minions. I understand that some people are just nasty, cannot help themselves and perhaps need a daily dose of cruelty and hurtfulness towards others but still. Peter Cruise never has anything nice to say about an opponent of David's, his lord and master, and even takes the opportunity at disconnected times to make nasty statements. When? An example?When the forms for opting out of the sprinklers were posted on line, why was there a comment about opponents made in his typical nasty way? Why? Because this man is stuck in a rut, a bad one at that, so he continues in a never ending circle of nasty and inane comments.
     And what about the blogmeister? Here he is supposed to be the "leader" of the Village UCO, there for all, and yet....even as he puts on a notice about CPR, something that could save lives, he negates it all with a feature on his blog that I just noticed. I have no idea how long it has been there, but the title is a misnomer. It states 'recent comments' yet the comments he posts, all vicious and mean ones, meant to hurt someone or something, are far from recent and indeed are months old. So the purpose is exactly what? All I can figure is that the purpose is meant to keep alive a hatred, keep alive a partisan split, keep up a lie, keep up something which will only keep harming the Village as he deems his opponents to be "other" than he and his. Smacks, no, stinks, of a vicious historical prejudice, does it not?!
     What are the purposes of those words - hate, inimical feelings and goals, sheer nastiness and no positive purpose at all. I wish I did not have to use the words I have typed above as there are far more important topics and people to discuss, but someone must point out this crater in their souls. Kudos to Gary who took down a vicious comment on his blog made by a reader. But what does David do? He puts up ancient comments that add fuel to the fire and I point out, David, that your old comments are out there as well and we have resurrected your hypocritical ones about term limits and other issues. Goose and gander. Truth is truth.
     Words out in the real world are doing their thing as well. A Harvard law student deems it appropriate to ask Tzipi Livni, a member of the Israeli Knesset, why she is "smelly". The place was stunned and he asked it again with embellishments. Now one must remember that thru the centuries it was deemed that Jews are "other" and can be known not only by their features of hooked noses, even horns on heads, by hunched posture, but also by their smell. This is what we have come to now? This is the level to which we have sunk and allowed our young to speak? 
     A debate at Morehouse University, the alma mater of The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr, hosted the "US National Championships of the Debating Association. The topic chosen:
      “This House Believes That Palestinian Violence Against Israeli Civilians Is Justified”
     Yes, your eyes read it correctly. At the alma mater of a man who supported Israel, who stated that “when people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism.” This was the topic that was chosen and one had to close one's mouth and not protest, advocate murder of Jews and if not, well, they were penalized, thrown out, forfeited and to their credit about 30 participants refused on their own. Some broke down in tears at the topic. But, but, how does it get to the point where such vicious statements are made, when two openly pro-Palestinian people are chosen to choose a topic - and what were they even doing on the committee?
     To make matters worse, this debate was staged with funds from various people and/or organizations, the EU and our own State Department. You read it correctly. Now the State Department has been notoriously known as being anti-Semitic, anti - Israel, for the longest time but still - has it reached this open display of blatant prejudice and recommendation for murder? Are we back to the future? Again? Are we Jews to start building hiding places, find non Jews who will hide us? Should we maybe all just kill ourselves and save the world and its haters the bother? You tell me. YOU speak up. YOU pay attention to what is going on. And Lord Almighty, You pay attention too.
          Words are sharp. Words can cut. And words can kill. We have seen that. We know that. Why must we do this again?

PS: Attention Gracie: "Why did you ever stop teaching in our schools? Our kids today are missing out on the extraordinary opportunity to learn from you." (just a sample of true postings)

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