Sunday, May 15, 2016


     Somewhere along the line I have raised a farmer. I guess the small plot of land we planted in Brooklyn took root in her heart and my daughter now plants enough to run a truck farm! I have always stated that working in a nursery - plants, not babies, though seeing them in their little beds is adorable - or farming the land to grow food have to be the most satisfactory jobs ever. To see the fruits of your labor, the excitement of seeing the first buds - it is great and I wish we had a community garden back by us in Florida wherein we could plant and grow and I bet there are many others like me who would love it too.
     Anyway, buying and planting was a satisfactory activity for Friday afternoon. It reminded us that new life is always with us and it gave some comfort after the loss of a friend. So plant we would and off we went to get the little plants for our plot. After buying out half the nursery - and warning my daughter that she would need more land to do this - we were back at the garden and yard and guess who was right?
     Stubborn as always, she went to plant and I was appointed first assistant, getting to dig out more lawn as we used up the prior committed area. I scouted the area for more possibilities for planting area, good for sunflowers or herbs, salad ingredients to corn and watermelon, blueberries and strawberries and on and on. And then guess what? It began to rain, harder and harder and we were not standing there between the raindrops either! But planting had to continue as I was asked if I thought that farmers planted only in sunshine. I dunno, do you? Soaking wet thru our jackets I finally went on strike and we left the rest for another day though where they will go is another topic.
     But our agricultural work did the trick and at least we ended up laughing and especially when we saw that the peach tree was blossoming. Hard work, but good results and I know we will be eating the results from summer months into the fall and even into the rest of the year with the produce she freezes. Her books on how to grow and what to do with the results have grown apace.
     See, there are good things in life; just at times hard to find them as they get lost in the crowd and the baggage. Next time up here I will buy her those garden wagons and a whole set of tools and new gloves. Might as well do things in style.
     I will keep these thoughts in mind and the fun we had as I get closer to the reunion. Jitters are building and I hope that I do not stumble in my reading of the prayer for Israel. Singing it will definitely not take place; that option is out! I am sure it will turn out fine and then back down the roller coaster of life as we pay a shiva call (a visit to the house of mourning).
      Life is a roller coater and we never know when the next climb or descent is coming along. All we can do is enjoy it all as it comes and deal with the bad and the sad and realize that all is part of the cycle. I can have those two critters from The Lion King sing the song, but will hope that the words have made the proper impression without the accompaniment of music.
     Going to try and get a bit more rest as last nite was not a good one for sleeping. Otherwise will yawn my way thru the reunion - not a good idea, though actually reminiscent of some high school classes.
     Hope you all enjoy your day, go swimming, go to the movies and get out of the hot sun, read a book, think a positive thought and do not read the paper or listen to the news. And think of me in the fifties temperature and a jacket. See ya all tomorrow.

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