Monday, May 23, 2016


     Bad night, finally fell back asleep and now it is 6:30 with an early doctor appointment awaiting so gotta move. I always try for those early slots so in and hopefully out in a reasonable time, but hate the early morning rush when I have become so used to a leisurely perusal of the paper, a running commentary and the phone calls with the kids and sister. Ahh, the sacrifices one has to make. (LOL)
     So what's new? Unfortunately nada, same old same old. Trump and Clinton are still battling it out, the spoiler Sanders is going to ruin the whole thing and I shudder to think what might possibly happen. Trump is now having very quiet talks with the Moslem camp and that is fine but...but this is the man who wants to ban them all. Not sure if that happens before or after he tosses eleven million Mexicans out of the country. Not even sure if that toss is thru a door or over the wall. And then of course, the rest of us will go arm up, sport our new six irons and patrol the country with our newfound posses.
     In the meanwhile, I guess people like me will have to undergo some reeducation as we are apparently not quite with the program, are we. After all, I do not agree with setting the social clime back to the mid 1800's. I do not believe that women need to be protected from themselves and have no rights over their own bodies. I believe that there is a segment of society that needs help, an extended hand to pull them back up to productive lives. I believe that this business of cutting off benefits after a year as one state has instituted and other states are headed to is nothing short of involuntary manslaughter or worse. What do we tell these mothers, these fathers who cannot get a job or find and are fired due to automation? What do we tell them when their kids are big eyed with hunger? What do we tell them when there is no schooling for them? Got it! We will call them Mexicans and toss them over the fence too!
     Seriously, people need to think. They need to get off this ridiculous chant of "anyone but Hillary". Why the chant? Because she is relentless in achieving her goals? Because she keeps at it and has worked her way up and persists ? In a man that would be called grit and determination but evidently not in a woman.
     And folks, crazy ideas still need to be explained. The hows and wherefores need to be laid out. Trump has not done that for ANY of his supposed plans. All he has done is waver, back and forth, shifting opinions and plans, and being ever so shifty about his income tax returns. He maintains that though he is so wealthy  he is on the side of the little guy. C'mon, you cannot possibly believe that. There is no way that he did not take advantage of every loophole in his bankruptcies, in his building, etc. Years ago when he did release a tax form guess how much he paid? Nope. Try again. Nope, try again. Yup - got it. NADA. Now where are the more recent ones and why is he so frightened of revealing them?
     Is he going to cut taxes for the middle class or for the upper class, those 1%ers? Depends on the day, I think. There is simply nothing in his program that is standing on firm and thoughtful land and basis. Is Clinton an ideal choice? Is she the best that the country can present? No, I agree, she is not. But she is the best that we have now and she does deserve credit for what she has done and achieved and in determination. And as far as her roaming Romeo of a husband - that is between them and no one else. Easy to judge so many years down the road but remember the adage of another person's shoes and the distance of a mile. She did not unzip him and tell him to go run off and play. Those actions were his deeds and choices and signs of poor character traits in many a situation. But he is not her any more than any wife or husband is each other.
     Anyway, gotta run, off for needles! Hate them! and hopefully for a better rest of the day. Hope yours is good as well and take just a bit of time to think things through and do not fall for slogans that may be catchy but say not much. Creedence Clearwater Revival sang their song Bad Moon Rising and of their dark prediction for the times. Let us not repeat those times. We must pull together as a nation and quaintly so, we must pull together as a Village if we are to save it as well.

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